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Drake had a blue truck. Don't ask me what kind. I just know it was bad ass. When I first saw it I couldn't help but want one. I need my licence. After my star struck moment was over we got in.

Drake turned to me with sparkling eyes. "So where do you live? Are your parents going to mind?"

I smiled a little at him. "I'll show you the way. And don't worry they're out of town this month. Wanna stop for some candy first? Its all on me."

Drake smirked as he started up the car. "Nahhh it's cool. Get what you want. I'm saving my apatite for another sweet thing."

I looked at him actually surprised. That was bold. I like it. 

"Ok. Hope you know how to unwrap your sweet thing." I looked out the window not seeing his face. A moment later he laughed and pulled out the parking lot. The drive to the store was quick. I haven't had candy I like in months. The craving was real.

While Drake waited in his truck for me I brought the candy. Before I left out I put two sleeping pills inside a candy wrapper then slipped them inside the bag. Of course I ate the real candy. The pills are for children so they taste like real candy and will take a while to kick in for a guy his size.

"Ready? Or another stop?"

I smiled at him. "All set."

The ride was actually ok. He told dark jokes that were just in my range. The radio played decent music. Plus the candy made it 2x better. When we reached my house Drake looked surprised. "You live here?" I nodded not seeing the big deal. "This place is huge. How many people do you live with?" He slipped his hand in mine thinking I wouldn't notice.

I shrugged not caring and tilted my head. "Just me and my parents. Its not that big. Just a simple house." I pulled him towards the front door before he said something else. Getting my keys out made me relax. It let me know I was just seconds from entering my safe zone. When I got the door open I turned to Drake to smile. The smile never made it to him because I caught sight of Kevin. He was leaving his house in a fresh set of clothing when he saw me. We once again had a small stair match. It was cut short by Drake leaning down by my ear. My eyes dropped down on the ground. "Open up its getting chilly." His hand slipped on my hip.

That's a lie, it's mid summer.

I glanced back up at Kevin to see him glaring and looking curious. I only smiled at him before turning the key and going inside my house. Drake came in behind me looking like he hit gold. I only shook my head a little at him smiling. "I'll go get pillows and blankets from the closet to set up. In the mean time you can go to the kitchen over there and pick what you want to eat out. I'll even cook if your unable." I teased walking away. Drake only snorted taking a hit to his pride. Chances are he can't cook. But I'll see when I get back.

Going down the hall from the entrance I stopped at a hall closet. I never understood why I put blankets and pillows in all my hall closets. I kid you not all of them have pillows and blankets. There are like three hall closets. I grabbed around four blankets and took them to the living room. After pulling the pull out couch down I set the blankets on top. My back will not be hurting all night.

I was going back for the pillows when I saw Drake looking salty in a way. I turned towards him smirking. When he saw he huffed and rolled his eyes.  "Fine, I can't cook. But I want some spaghetti." He pouted looking at me.

It made me laugh at how he looked so much like the guy I killed two months ago. "I'll make it just get everything out. I have to get the pillows."

He nodded happily. I went back to my task looking at the time. It was only 4:30 so I have a while to put up with him.  Pushing that from my mind I got three pillows and two body pillows. I smiled at how soft they were. I looooovvveee body pillows. After setting them with the blankets I made my way to the kitchen.  "Ok Mr. Hungry you helping?"

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