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I frowned as I picked up another piece of trash. The principle was kind enough to come remind Kevin of the deal they made. Kevin pointed out to me how it's good to follow through with it even with my lies telling him I have been. I could only nod at him as he roomed around the house without a shirt.

I was made to come out here and start cleaning up another neighborhood. The only good side to this is that the neighborhood wasn't really that dirty. A street sweeper comes around twice a week and the wind blew everything else far away. I didn't have to do too much work, but it still irritated me that I couldn't relax today.

I was losing weight because of how active I've been lately. I picked up an old soda can as I thought about Dean. He's been quiet lately, so I know he's going to make a move soon. I was starting to get giddy because of this. I've always wanted to kill him and now I have a reason, not that I needed one. I glared at the old crunched up candy wrapper that was on the ground a few feet away from me. The wind blew it out my reach just as I went to pick it up.

I ignored the trash and took my phone out. I had a text message from Kevin. He was talking about what we should do about my birthday. I decided that I'll tell him about my parents. My birthday is in two days, on a Thursday, which will make me officially 18. I wasn't excited, but Kevin was, I guess it'll be because he's not breaking the law while being with me. I didn't reply to him and instead got back to working on catching that damn candy wrapper.

It was around noon when I was finally done picking up trash for the day. I gave the man who was watching over me a tight smile as I gave him the bag of trash that I collected. He only gave an airy chuckle as I took the now dirty gloves off. After throwing them away I started on my way home. Kevin was visiting his mother today since she got a little sick. He wanted me to come but I told him next time I'll go. He should give her all his attention since he hasn't seen her in a while.

While making my way home I rolled my shoulders to relax my body. I needed a good rest for a few hours. Thank goodness, I don't have to go to training for a few more days.

I could hear footsteps behind me. Even though I was walking by multiple people these steps stood out. They matched my own and my speed. I turned and looked behind me boldly and saw it was Dean. I stopped walking and so did he. I turned to fully face him making him take a step back. The streets are busy now so there are eyes everywhere.

Dean looked around him before looking back at me with a glare. "Winter." He looked like he hasn't been sleeping properly.

I laughed at his serious expression. "Well look who grew some balls. Have you missed me?" I teased.

Dean took a step forward while reaching into his jacket. A man in a rush bumped into Dean's shoulder causing him to remove his hand and gain his balance. I laughed at him again for his stupidity.

Dean clenched his hands into fist as he avoided being shoved again. "Don't mock me Beast. You think I care? I've been at this for weeks now and I finally have you in my sights."

I pretended to gush as I stepped to the side for a lady and her child. "I feel so honored to have your attention. Save me the drama speech. Let's just talk for now, I'm too tired to actually hurt you at the moment."

Dean glared at me but didn't make a move to disagree. "Talk about what?"

I shrugged and went to lean against a brick wall not far. "Why did you kill Joey? It's been bugging me."

Dean looked away from me quickly. "None of your business."

I hummed teasingly. "I think it is. You did kill him right after I beat the shit out of him."

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