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(!!Will be a bloody chapter. It will have killing!! Skip if you want!! You have been warned!!)



I'm super bored today. Drake keeps texting me but I don't reply. Don't really want to. He served his purpose for now. I'll deal with him later. I rolled around on my bed naked. I just got out the shower when boredom hit me hard. I huffed and stood up. Going to the mirror I looked over my naked form.

Still the same as that day.

I shrugged and pulled on some jeans and a tee. I'm staying in today but I don't feel like wearing girl clothes today.  I really just want to sleep away my days. Why must I have to conform to society's rules?!.....oh wait....I'm a killer. I laughed at myself and my thinking.

Some days I wonder what I would be like if I didn't kill. Would I be air headed like everyone else? What if I turned out like a jock. That'll be embarrassing. I snickered again before sitting up. I'll go mess with Kevin. Yeah that sounds good. It's been two days he should be entertaining after the last meeting.

After I made my way down stairs I went to the kitchen and grabbed a sucker from my candy draw. After moaning around the cherry pop I made my way out the door. Having a small skip in my step for a small way to keep active. When I reached Kevin's house I knocked twice and waited. He answered not long after, shirtless with bed hair. I held back my laugh knowing I woke him up.

"What?" His voice was rough.

I shrugged looking up at him. "I was wondering if you could talk."

He looked me over before raising a brow. "Where are your shoes? Doesn't matter. Why are you out here so early?"

I glanced down just noticing I was bear foot. Oops. I smiled at him sweetly. "I just want to talk and I couldn't really sleep. I don't want you to think I'm a reckless teen after what happened."

He sighed and leaned against his door. "You don't have to explain to me. I'm not your daddy or caretaker."

I frowned a little remembering my words. "Look can I come in?"

He frowned a little before stepping aside opening his door more. "Your parents better be ok with this. When are they coming back?"

I stepped inside ignoring his words going to the red couch. "This is my favorite color."

He stayed quiet so I sighed and countered him. "Where is your wife?"

He clenched his jaw. "Don't have one. I told you that."

I shook my head moving my sucker around in my mouth. "Noooooo. You said no lovers or pets. How was I supposed to know?"

He crossed his arms making his muscles under his skin move and adjust. It was a sexy sight. Ugh no, only Spencer Reid is sexy. "So what exactly can I do for you Winter?"

Many things like kill yourself, kill another, kidnap my next target, move away, stay away from me, stop asking questions, kill that Bitch Lisa since I can't........you guys get the point.

I tilted my head letting my hair move around. "Well I was hoping to get a insight on how you think of me. Like how you see me."

He thought it over. "I think your a attention seeker who needs to be in everyone's daily life plans. I think you're spoiled since your parents probably travel a lot. You have a strong need to be liked which makes you annoying. You also seem to act out by sleeping around with older guys for attention. That's what I think."

I looked at him long and hard. Never has anyone been more wrong about me. I would laugh but this is just too sad to be funny. He has no idea how wrong he is. At least I gave the impression I wanted. He won't fall for the sweet type, so that only left the rebel. 

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