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Instead of my alarm waking me up I woke up to the sound of whimpering. I rubbed my eyes while listening. I knew it was Smoky and I quickly got up hoping she was alright. I made it to the hall before my foot stepped in a wet substance. I looked down and now knew why she was whimpering. She must be hiding thinking I'm angry.

"Smoky where are you? I'm not upset." I wiped my foot off before going to look for her.

I found her in the dinning room under the table. Her big brown eyes looked up at me as her head laid between her paws. I smiled at her and started to try and get her out. It took some time but she finally moved to me with her tail between her legs. Her head was turned slightly to the side as if expecting me to hit her.

I just patted her head before kissing it. "How about breakfast? Hot dogs again?"

She only tried to climb more in my lap as I sat on the floor. Her tail was still between her legs. I just spoiled her until her tail was wagging​ again. She was beyond happy when I rubbed her belly.

Once she was no longer scared I cleaned up her mess. I let her out back in case she had to pee again. She didn't want to go at first getting scared again. She must have thought I was putting her out. I found a way to get her out and kept the door open so she could see me walking around. Once I had finished making the hot dogs I called her back inside. She was more than happy to come back. I shut the door and set her plate down and watched her start eating before turning to go shower.

My thoughts started to get clouded over. I want to know if Kevin still wanted to go with me today. Since today was Thursday I didn't mind skipping school. Even though I still have to slip my paper in the principle files. That can wait.

A knock on my door caught my attention. I quickly got out the shower ignoring Smokys barking. I threw on my fluffy green shorts and left my chest bare as I rushed to the door. All I could think about is 'What if it's Kevin?'.

Once I made it to the door I wasn't disappointed. Kevin stood there in an gray jacket over his black shirt with plain blue jeans. Even so, he looks so tasty. The morning sun made his smooth skin seem godly. "Hey Winter, going to school?"

I shook my head and let him inside. "No I was just getting dressed after my shower. Just a few more minutes and I can go with you."

He nodded and gave his attention to Smoky even though I knew he wanted to tell me to head to school. I hurried to get dressed. I couldn't help but what to catch his attention. So I put on a pair of tight jeans that hugged me just right. A low v-neck that was a light green and my black jacket. I cursed myself for even thinking about impressing him. He doesn't see me that way because I'm underage. Uggh. But still if he complimented me......

I rolled my eyes at myself before forcing myself to leave my bed room. I grabbed an apple on the way to the door. Kevin was still standing there but he was texting. I cleared my throat to get his attention. His eyes met mine before they traveled over my body leaving light sparks going through me. He moved a step closer about to say something but stopped himself. "Let's get going." He turned to the door leaving me to follow.

I frowned but brushed it off. I followed and locked my door. Kevin was already in his car when I caught up to him. I climbed in then buckled up. I didn't know why but I felt...hurt, angry?

It was a weird feeling. I didn't like it. It made my chest hurt and made me pissed.

"He wasn't too mad at you yesterday was he?"

I knew he meant Drake. "He was fine after we fucked like bunnies." Me and Drake never did anything. He left soon after because of Smoky. That made me love her even more. I guess I just want to piss him off with lies again.

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