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      Winter p.o.v (Winter up top)

If you saw me walking down the street I guarantee you'll call me cute or handsome.

If you saw me crying I bet you'll ask what's wrong and listen to my problems.

If you see me smile, then blush you'll want me all to yourself. Male or female.

I love the effect I have on others. They are clueless of what hides inside me. They choose to not dig deep into my past because they want to believe I come from a good home with loving parents.

I turn heads with my boyish looks. I use them to my advantage. With my light blond hair, almost white, and light green eyes I draw people in. I love having a small waist with big hips and bubble butt. I show no shame in smiling with my full kissable pink lips and fluttering my long lashes. Yes, I am cocky.

My name is Winter Johnson. I'm your everyday boy next door. Well, with a twist. You see I'm a killer. Most would call me crazy. But I'm not. Being crazy means not knowing what I'm doing and being in constant fear of being caught. I'm completely sane. More or less.

My kills add up to 24. Mostly because of a fire I set with about 17 people inside. I like to think of myself as a gift.

I feel no guilt for my pray after I end their lives. I have no fear of being caught. I love the excitement of the hunt and the thrill of the kill. It's sad really that I don't have anyone to share my special feelings with. I'm sure no one would understand. The media calls me the Midnight Beast because of they way I leave the bodies.

I'm not crazy......

"Winter are you coming to gym?" Jill asked standing before my desk.

I snapped out of my head and gave her a smile and nodded. Standing up from my desk I followed after her. Jill is a small breast, 5'1, and shy girl. She's someone I could kill today and only her parents would care. Or at least just her dad. Her mom's a crack head. I befriended her after I saw her in the back of the school cutting. She doesn't know it but she's on my list. 

My kill list isn't that long. Though it does grow and shrink everyday. High school is the biggest place to find pray. I love all the different types of people I can chose from. Although most of my pray are adults. High school sucks. Everyone is annoying or just stupid.

"Hi Winter!" She bores me. Who is that?

"Hey Winter, nice seeing you!" He's on my list for next month. His breathe stinks. 

"Winter OMG I love your eyes!" That bitch is dying Sunday.

I smiled at all the idiots around me. I'm kinda pissed that it's only Wednesday. I still have a few more days until Sunday. Her name is Lisa Lane. She is the overly dramatic cheerleader with the annoying voice. She has more than once tried to get me to be her "BFF" or whatever. That bitch is annoying and I don't want to hear her voice anymore. So I'm going to kill her.

When I reached the gym I could only count the seconds until lunch. I sighed as I saw they gym teacher looking at me from the corner of his eyes. He is a sick pervert who loves little boys. I use that to my advantage for gym. Why haven't I killed him yet? Simple, I need to pass gym.

I put a smile on my face and started for him. "Hi Mr. Sam."

His face got a little red from a blush but he coughed it off. "Johnson. Go change."

I put a pout on my face and went closer so that I could hold the bottom on his shirt lightly. The idiots who was already done changing was either texting or gossiping. No one was paying us any mind.

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