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              Winter p.o.v (Mr. Kevin up top)

I hate mornings. Its so frustrating to wake up. Especially when you don't mean to. I forgot to turn my alarm off last night. Now here I am woke at 6:34 am.

Damn it all. The mall doesn't open until 9 so I can't go get my phone yet. I'm not going to school and my home work is done. I sighed and pushed the covers back. Getting out of bed I went down stairs ignoring my bed hair.  This is sooooooo not how I wanted to start my day. I'm so pissed. I'm not even hungry. I might as well go on a run.

I yawned as I realized I came down stairs. Fuck. Back up I go.

After cursing myself out and roughly pulling on sweat pants and a tee I set out. I ran at a steady pace enjoying the feeling of the pavement under my feet. It's been too long since I last ran. Even though my name is Winter I don't like winter. It's too cold and makes me sick. Although it is lots of places to hide bodies at. Its so much snow the bodies won't be found until spring. Plus outside is like as giant fridge at night. No smell would come. Its only summer now so I got a while before winter fun. I smiled at my thoughts as I ran. Now I don't feel so groggy anymore.

Not many people were out this morning. The sun was just starting to rise. The cool morning air was crisp and felt good. I'm going to be really hungry when I return home. Geez I'm fat. I guess I'll take the long way back.

Just to clear your minds. I don't live near woods or forest. I live in a city. That's right, a fair sized city, Baltimore MD. I leave just at the county and city line, more space. Why would I move to a small town? That's like asking to get caught. But a city with unsteady crime rates already? Oh man good luck with that.

I turned on the jogging path just as a few bickers were coming off it. It's was a dirt path that cut though a old park or two. When I made it to the a resting place a stopped to catch my breath. I stretched out and sat down on an old bench. I leaned back letting my body rest. It's been way to long. Boy this day felt good.

Another guy was runny past me. He smiled and winked at me. I made myself blush and shyly wave. When he was out of sight I rolled my eyes. Muscle heads. Eww.

After about 5 minutes I got up ready to go. I took about four steps before I noticed something sticking out of a bush. It was well hidden I had to look real hard. A hand? Hell....no. I looked both ways before hurrying into the bush. I'm going to be so pissed if this is a dead body.

Pushing the last bush to the side I saw it was. The woman had to be in her early 20's. Brown hair and fair skin. She had on a business suit so she had to have been brought here or ran here from the main street. Either way she died here. There are no drag marks. Her face was frozen in fear and it pissed me off that I wasn't the one who caused it. I'll be damned if I have to go through this. This is my territory and no one is going to ruin its peace. 

I made my way back to the path and just walked back home. This was the worst day ever. Who the hell do people think they are? They can't just come here and take my kills! The murder wasn't even good! It was a simple stab to her chest! Not even 10 or 12 but like....3! This sucks. If my name gets labeled on this death I swear I'm going on a killing spree.

I huffed opening my door and going straight for my shower. Hopefully this will relax me. It's not every day you have competition with killing in a place you lay low in. After calming down and putting on comfortable girl clothes I hurried down stairs. I turned the t.v to the news channels and waited. By night or tomorrow the body should be found.

I started to pace but stopped myself. Moving to front porch and I rested against the wall. Fresh air is always good for the mind. I took a few deep breaths.

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