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Slamming my hand down on my alarm clock to shut it up really woke me. It wasn't the noise but the fact that I hit my hand on the corner of the dresser. I hummed at the pain then calmly shut the alarm off. Yawning and rubbing my eyes as I sat up was routine. Next was a shower. I threw my black blanket off me as I slide off the bed. I looked behind me at my bed then shrugged. I should think about going from a queen to a full. I don't need all this space.

Standing up I moved to my window pushing my blond/white hair out my face. The sunlight was peeking in so I might as well let it all in. Pulling the curtains back I blinked at the bright light. I sighed looking at how sunny it was out yet no one was outside. Lazy world. I was turning away when I hard a door shut. I got curious. No one on this street is ever outside this early. I moved back to the window to see clearly.

Of course. It was Kevin. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. He was out all night? Doing what? Why was he just getting home? What is with this guy?

I huffed at how he makes me feel irritated. Something about him makes me want to kill him but at the same time understand him. Getting lost in my head I didn't see when he stopped walking to his house to look up at my window. When I did focus we were having a staring match again. He just stood there not caring that I was only in my boy shorts. I stood there not caring that I was basically bare to him.

In the end I smiled and waved to him before turning away. I need to get ready for school. Thank Buddha its Friday.


Oh how I hate the world. First I couldn't find my head phones for music on this damn phone. Then I couldn't find my favorite white tee. After that I realized I had to do gym class today.

I gritted my teeth in frustrating as I sat at my desk in first period. I need to calm down. I'll snap at someone at this rate and I don't want that.

The class was being loud and busy. The teacher wasn't here yet and they are acting like fools. I took a deep breath to relax. Just in time for Drake.

Drake, as in Drake Kain. He's a senior like me and has been trying to get into my pants since freshman year. He's 5'7 with brown hair and eyes. His body build is a little bigger then mine. He's cocky, annoying, and on the basketball and soccer team.

"Hey Winter, you gonna be cold to me today too?" He smirked at his own joke.

I looked him over before smiling. "No I won't. It just hit me that you've been on me since freshman year. Right?"

He blushed before standing straight and nodding. "Yeah. You never give me a chance though."

I frowned to myself before pouting at him. "I'm sorry. I was chasing idiots and didn't see how much you cared. I guess a lot if us do that huh."

Drake smiled. "Y-Yeah. A lot of people do that."

I stood up and walked around my desk to him. "I guess I'm stupid too. Can we start over? I would really like to get to know you more. Maybe your the one who I'll....oh never mind." I hurried to sit back down.

Just like I thought Drake stopped me. "Wait! Whoa! Umm I would love that. What were you going to say?"

I saw the teacher come in and smiled. "Nothing big. Just....maybe your the one I'll give my.....virginity to." I blushed looking away from him. His eyes went big and jaw slacked. Gotcha!

"Alright class sit down! I know I'm late but let's start."

Drake leaned close to my ear so I could hear. "Meet me after school by the field?"

Twisted I AmNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ