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Once again we've come through and blessed y'all with angst and fluff.

Once again we've come through and blessed y'all with angst and fluff

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When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go.
-Carol Burnett

The next day Tasia left early, not even bothering to wait for Tiana. She arrived at the school early, music blasting into her headphones. Anybody she walked by could tell she was going to have a bad day. Tasia stomped into the room, tossing herself into the seat. Mina approached her friend "Hey...you okay?" Tasia nodded and stuffed her face into her arms. A few moments later Tiana appeared, Todoroki on her flank. Tasia didn't bother looking up because she had heard her classmates greet the girl. Pissed, she turned up the volume of her music. Tasia's favorite blond came in, hitting her in the head with his bookbag. "Hey shithead, you alright?" Bakugou asked quietly as he sat down. Taisa simply shrugged not wanting to trouble him with her concerns, "Okay, but if your shitty attitude ruins my day, I'm forcing you to talk about it." putting his head down, the usually loud boy let her be as he ignored her presence. Tasia smiled at him before laying her head back down.

Aizawa came in and explained the internships to the students. On the board he wrote out the names and the amount of internship they were offered. The list was of the following
Tasia Nakagawa: 6,420
Tiana Nakagawa:5,321
Shoto todoroki: 4,123
Katsuki Bakugo: 3,556
Fumikage Tokoyami: 360
Tenya Iida: 301
Denki Kaminari: 272
Yaoyorozu Momo: 108
Kirishima: 102
Hanta Sero: 65
Uraraka Ochaco: 15

The students chatted amongst each other, surprised with the results, especially when it came to Deku. "It's okay Izuku-kun! You'll get an internship eventually," Uraraka comforted the green haired boy.

Bakugo and Tasia went through their offers. "Who do you plan on interning under?," Tasia asked, examining his list. "Jeanist. He's the number three hero so why not." Bakugou explained. Tasia hummed as she continued to look through her's. She came to an abrupt stop tapping bakugo's arm. "I got an offer from best Jeanist too!" She exclaimed as she shook him. Bakugou smiled at her enthusiasm. "So I guess we're interning together?" Bakugou asked. Tasia nodded furiously with a light blush over her face.

"Oh bakugou, do you wanna hang out today?" Tasia asked shyly, her curtain of hair falling over her face. Bakugou smirked at her, "Are you asking me out, shitty broccoli?" His smirk morphed into a small smile at how her cheeks lit up, almost like fireworks, the heat spread to her face in an array of reds and pinks. "You look like a radish with your green hair and pink cheeks, it's kinda cute." The boy continued to tease Tasia, making her more and more flustered. Trying to ignore his words, Tasia glanced at a random spot in the classroom, her eyes landing on her sister's smiling form, putting her in a sour mood once again, "Raddish, are you good? You look lost and it's pissing me off." Bakugo spoke lazily, putting his legs up on his desktop and leaning back, hands crossed at the back of his head. "It has nothing to do with you, Katsu," Tasia frowned a bit, causing there to be creases in between her eyebrows. "It does if you're going to be walking around ready to kill someone, so tell me Tasia, what the hell is pissing you off?" Katsuki was done with Tasia's bullshit.

"If you want to know so bad, it's my sister. During the sports festival, I had noticed she was frowning so I asked her about it. Instead of telling her older, more mature sister, she yelled at me and pushed me away. At that time it hadn't affected me, but while we were fighting, I decided to ask her again hoping she would open up, and I ended up yelling some insensitive things at her." Katsuki nodded as the girl continued her rant, "To be specific, I asked her if she was having problems with her 'little boyfriend' not thinking a boy would be the reason she refused to talk to me. The only reason I had won was because I had caught her off guard with my question."

Tasia glared down at her skirt, fingers playing with the hems as she told the blonde about her current problem, "She apologized to me, but I don't think I can forgive her for letting a boy come between us. I know I'm not that much older, but I've always seen her as my baby sister. One day she won't knock on my door in the middle of the night to hide from her anxiety, and that scares me. I thought she'd rely on me forever, but it seems as though she has already stopped." Tasia finished, trying her hardest not to cause a scene.

"You care about her alot, don't you broccoli?" Bakugo smiled at the girl, almost envious at how much she cared about her sister, "I don't think she has stopped relying on you. I just think she wants to do something by herself for once so don't worry about it, radish. She'll come to you when she's ready." There was a gentle feeling about the boy's expression that made Tasia feel safe, his read eyes holding some sort of settlement. "Hey Katsuki? You should smile more, it's beautiful." Turning her head to the side, Tasia closed her eyes, not seeing the small blush on her spiky friends face.

Todoroki approached Tiana, cheeks warm at the thought of asking her to intern with him, "Ti- Tiana-san, where are you planning to intern?" The boy flushed profusely at his mistake, not meaning to almost call her by the nickname he had given her before. "It's okay to call me Ti-chan, you know? It makes me feel close to you, Todo-kun." Tiana spoke calmly, glad he still attempted to talk to her, unlike her sister. "Well, I got an in person offer from the number 2 hero, but I'm not sure." Endeavor? Todoroki's eyes widened at the mention of his dad. "Do you mean Endeavor?" He had also received an offer from his dad but didn't expect him to invite his crush. "Yeah, he asked me during the sports festival, sometime before our match." She explained

The girl smiled at how soft the boy looked with light pink dusting his cheeks, his blue and grey eyes sparkling in the sunlight. If she was more bold, she might have kissed him right then and there, but sadly she's not bold, or confident, she's more like a dandelion, pretty for a while before blowing away with the wind. "Would you like to intern with me?" Even if it were impossible, Todoroki looked even more perfect in her eyes as he smiled softly at her, the light on his face making his porcelain skin look like the smoothe glaze on a ceramic. His white and red hair seemed almost like heaven to touch and if it weren't for her self control, her small tanned hands would probably be running through its fluffy premise.

"Ti-san, are you okay?" Shouto kept his eyes on the girl, wondering why she had blanked out. "I-I'm okay, Todo-kun," Her cheeks turned feverishly red at his question, realizing she had spaced out while staring at him.
"Ahh," Shouto trailed off, thinking she hadn't heard his question. Now processing what he'd said, Tiana beamed at him, happy he had asked her himself, "Of course Todo-kun!"

Aizawa stood in the middle of the classroom, causing all the chatter to seize as he spoke, "You have until Friday, meaning you have 4 days to make your decisions. Take your time and choose somewhere you will enjoy." soon after, Tasia walked up to Aizawa with her and Bakugou's filled forms.

"You've chosen who you want to intern under?" Aizawa asked flipping through the form. The girl nodded causing the elder male to sigh. "Very well then. Thank you" Tasia bowed before returning to her seat.

"Welp katsu, we're gonna have the best week together"

"Welp katsu, we're gonna have the best week together"

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𝕲𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora