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This to long🤣 TheeKouhai knows what I'm talking about.

I think the perfection of love is that it's not perfect

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I think the perfection of love is that it's not perfect.
-Taylor Swift

It was currently 7:15 am and Todoroki was standing outside the Nakagawa household, shaking as he reached towards the doorbell. This was all new to him and he didn't know what he was supposed to do. He had read somewhere that girl's liked it when their boyfriends walked them to school, so he figured he would try it and see where it went.

"Oh, Shouto?" Kennii had opened the door to find the two toned boy standing outside their door, intensely glaring at the doorbell as she was leaving for an interview. "Are you looking for Tiana? I think her lazy ass is still asleep. Can you wake her up for me?" She patted him on the shoulder before leaving, smirking as she thought about how her sister should pay her back for the opportunity.

"Ooookay," Shouto spoke to no one in particular as he cautiously entered the house. Remembering where Tiana's room was from the night before, he went straight there, entering the room to find her curled up in her blankets, her nose scrunched up making her look like a kitten. The boy's heart strings pulled at the sight of the tan girl, her long black and blue hair sprawled across her face as she softly snored. Blushing, the boy walked towards her and gently shook her shoulder.

"Taaaaaasia, I don't wanna go. Let me sleep for today!" The girl mumbled without opening her eyes, her arms wrapping around what she believed to be her sister. "At least carry me if you're going to wake me up!" She whined, clinging to the poor boy even more. His face was completely red as he didn't know what to do or say.

"Uh... Ti-san?" He spoke trying to get her attention, "Nee-san, why do you sound like Shouto?" She perked up a bit, eyes still closed as she spoke. If it were possible, the boys face turned an even darker shade of red at her statement, flustered at how she referred to him in her sleep,

"I'm sorry for invading your space like this, but could you please wake up?" This caught the girls attention, her finally realizing how muscular her sister had gotten. shooting her eyes open, she made eye contact with a pair of bi-coloured eyes and she screamed, scaring the living shit out of Shouto.

She jumped in an attempt to get out of their awkward position, but all that did was make it worse as the two of them fell onto the floor, Her on top of Todoroki as they awkwardly looked into eachothers eyes.

"S-Sorry-" Tiana stuttered as she tried to get up, straddling the boy in the process. It was then her beloved brother walked into the room, probably coming to check on her but instead he found her on top of a boy at 7:40 am.

"I'm counting to three. If you are not out of my sisters room and in the living room by the time I'm done, I'll kill you." Taevon was seething and you could see the smoke coming out of his ears as he threatened.

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