chapter fifteen.

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Calvin opened his eyes to birds chirping. He grunted, looking over. He almost jumped when he seen Levi's sleeping figure, the night from before flooding his mind. He quietly leaned over the side of the bed and picked his phone up.


He set it back down on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

He felt movement from his side. He watched as Levi blinked his eyes open, a small smile forming on his face as he looked back up at Calvin. "Hi."

"Hi." Calvin grinned.

Levi sat up, wincing a bit. "Ow..."

"Hmm?" Calvin stifled a laugh.

"You're mean. It hurts now."

"Next time I'll go easy on you." Calvin said.

"Hmm, I don't know If I want that." Levi smirked. "But anyways, I guess we'll have to get up soon." He got up and grabbed the clothes that were littered on the floor.

"Yeah? So, what do we have planned today, camp boy?" Calvin asked with a sly smile. He pulled his own clothes on.

"Well... its a secret. I can tell you that it's kind of like exercise." Levi said, tying his shoes. "Let's go."

Calvin followed him out of the door.

"Why don't you change your clothes?" Levi suggested. He was leading them to the middle of the campsite. "I gotta go talk with Grace about today anyways. I'll see you later." Levi told him, planting a kiss on his cheek before walking away.

Calvin quickly veered off to the right, straight to the boys cabin. He jogged to the wooden steps and knocked on the door. Peter opened the door, letting him inside. He stared at the cut on his cheek.

"So, where have you been this whole time?" Peter asked, pulling a new shirt over his head. He shoved the old one away into his backpack.

Some others guys took notice and grinned at Calvin. "Maybe he was out with his girlfriend." One boy laughed.

"Yeah yeah, very funny guys." Calvin sighed. "But yeah, I was with someone."

"Told you!" Julian groaned from the corner. "Ow! My fucking head hurts!"

"Damn what's up with you? You never cuss." Calvin walked over and sat beside Julian. He peered into his face. Julian pulled a arm over to hide it.

"Hold on..." Calvin grabbed his wrist and pulled it down harshly. "What the... what happened?!" He peered down at his bruised eye.

Julian rolled his eyes, snatching his wrist away. "Nothing. It's not important, I was just out drinking." He sat up.

"WHAT?" Calvin hissed. "And what? Did you get into a fight with a fucking bear or raccoon or something?!"

"Yeah, a six foot tall bear." He retorted.

"Apparently he had a crush on Victoria." Peter broke in, running a hand through his hair.

Calvin sucked his teeth. "Y'all never tell me anything!"

"YOU'RE the one who was out losing your virginity!" Peter shot back.

"Ew what?! Victoria?!" Julian realized what he said moments later and shook his head. "That's gross, I would never have a crush on her."

"You sound like a five year old." Calvin pat his back.

"I don't like her!" He said more defensivly. "I was freaking drunk! My mind wasn't clear."

"Oh so is that why you attacked me?" Peter chuckled bitterly.

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