I sighed when the door was fully closed and ran a hand down my face. I wanted to scream in frustration because of what's happening. How could Kevin let himself be taken off the radar like that? Why did Kevin have to answer that call?

I shook my head angrily and pushed away from the door. As much as I wanted to act like the teenager I was, I kept it together. Only wasting time would be the result of me acting a fool. A sigh left me as I walked to the kitchen. I started taking out raw chicken, so I can start bake it. Then I started to boil water for the side dishes. I was barely keeping it together but managed.

After about twenty minutes of watching my food cook a knock on my door caught my attention. I knew it was Samuel but still I looked out the window and checked. He looked just as worried as I felt. I opened the door before him letting him in. His face was set in a frown with worry lines. "Winter, have you heard anything?" he asked as soon as the door was closed.

I nodded and lead him to the kitchen. "Yeah, they said that he responded to a domestic disturbance call. Shots were fired and now he's missing."

I went to the oven and checked on the chicken. I could feel Samuel looking at me. "Are you alright?"

I nodded and sent him a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm just making him dinner. When he gets back he'll be hungry."

Samuel gave me a worried look but then let a shaky smile take over his face. "Yeah, that boy sure can eat a lot. Winter....how about you go lay down. You look dead on your feet."

I shook my head quickly. "I have to be here cooking and waiting for him."

Samuel smiled a real smile as he looked at me. "I'll finish cooking and wake you if he's found while your sleeping."

I knew acting this way would get him to excuse me for a few hours. I just needed to play my acting right. "Alright, but as soon as he's found wake me."

Samuel nodded as he watched me leave the kitchen. I did need sleep from that training but not right now. I made my way up my stairs and took my phone out. I sighed as I hit call on the screen for the one person I didn't want to speak to again.

"Yes?" Came Lion's reply.

I could hear the smirk in his voice and it was annoying to have to call on him. "I need another favor."

"Sure you do, what is it?"

"I need you to trace a cell phone signal. It might not be active right now or even broken." Lion laughed a bit at my words. "I can trace anything that connects to a satellite."

I gave him Kevin's number cursing myself slightly. I said I wasn't going to interfere, yet here I am. Lion said he'll text me the last location of the phone when he has it. We hung up and I let a deep sigh escape me. When I entered my room, I saw Smoky relaxing at the foot of my bed. She lifted her head to greet me and I smiled back at her. I started for my television and turned it on in case anything is found out before me. I sat back against my headboard in my bed as I waited.

The sound of my phone going off woke me up. I cursed myself for falling asleep in the first place. I looked at my cell and saw it was a text from Lion. Opening it quickly I saw it was the location I was waiting for. I debated giving it to the police, but I don't even know if he's there or not. I huffed and got out of bed quickly heading downstairs to find Samuel. I did find him in my living room drinking tea. I could smell that the food was done and probably put up.

"Will you go with me to this location?" I asked breaking his silent sitting.

Samuel turned to me slowly not looking surprised in the least. "What location."

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