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The singing competition is finally here. Eunwoo and Lia are already at the hall, waiting for Jina to be there too. Eunwoo tries so hard to avoid from bumping into the boys. "Eunwoo! I miss you so much!" Jina hugs her.

Eunwoo returns the hug and goes to the seats they're supposed to sit on. She sits on the seat next to the MC. Little that she knows that the MC is someone that she doesn't expected to be. Jina suddenly wooing when she saw Eunwoo prefers to sit at that seat.

"Why you're wooing? Is this place special?" Eunwoo asks, curious.

"The MC for today's event is Juyeon. I know it that both of you guys can't be separated." Jina replies without knowing how Eunwoo feels.

"Exchange with me. I can't sit in the middle. It's too exposing." Lia tells Eunwoo as she doesn't want her friend to be so stressed about it.

Eunwoo agrees with Lia's decision, sitting in the middle of the girls. Suddenly, Jina greets someone happily - it's Younghoon. Eunwoo starts to feel uneasy again. She remembers the fight yesterday. She looks away avoiding from exchanging gazes with the boy.

"Eunwoo! Younghoon is here. Do you want to sit next to him? As we all know he is your seatmate-" Jina stops talking as she saw Eunwoo walks away from the hall.

"Eunwoo!" Lia yells calling her friend's name but she doesn't even bother.

Younghoon just takes a seat next to Jina, ignoring what happened. He actually feels worried but he doesn't want to show it. Lia stands in front of him, giving him such a gaze. "... Can't you just forgive her? She decides to become a different person thanks to both you and Juyeon. Aren't you feel sorry to her? If any of you confessed earlier, this thing won't happen." She comments.

"So what? I'm the one guilty here? Why don't you ask her why she always try to be there for anyone's side?" Younghoon replies back.

Lia leaves the boy without any answer and searches for Eunwoo around the campus. She already checks at all places that she might go but she is not there. She is worried but at the same time she had to be there for Sangyeon.

Luckily, she founds Hyunjae who is heading to the hall as well. She runs to catch him, pants like crazy. "Please find Eunwoo for me. A thing happened." She explains.

"What?! What happened?!" Hyunjae sounds so shocked.

"It's hard to explain but I have to watch the performance. I already promised with Sangyeon." Lia keeps on glancing at the stage where Juyeon already starts MCing.

"Alright. I will tell you when I found her." Hyunjae understands her as he once had be on her feet. He starts to walk around the campus to take a look for Eunwoo.

Juyeon finishes MCing the first part of the competition and he takes a seat on his seat. He notices Lia, Jina and Younghoon are sitting on the same row as him. Jina waves at him with a smile but not Lia and Younghoon. He knows Younghoon is still mad at him although he tries to not take it seriously every time. But he doesn't know what's wrong with Lia.

"Lia, what's wrong? Where's Eunwoo?" Juyeon whispered, asking the girl.

Lia sighs before answering him although she doesn't want to. "Something happened and... Please don't search for her anymore. It's for your own sake."

"Why shouldn't I?" The boy questions more.

Lia stays quiet, trying to stay focus on the performance. Juyeon smells something fishy is going on. He wonders what happened to the girl he liked.

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