
1.8K 70 3


You're the one who took
the picture and spread
the rumours, right?

Tell me the truth!


I told you right that if you
didn't date me..

I might haunt your relationship

BTW... Eunwoo is easy to be
fooled by someone like you

Handsome wealthy talented

Stop those storytelling

Just straight to the point

Take the picture down!

I won't..

Unless you date me

You've broken up with
Eunwoo, right?

Then I'll delete the post

You promise me?

Just do that and it'll be down

I deleted it already

The link cannot be opened

hongeugene shared a link.
Yes || No


Welcome.. Baby

Can we go for our first date?

Like tonight?


I don't care

Bermuda Love || THE BOYZTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang