Chapter Thirty-One

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Your PoV

It was already 12 when we stopped to have a break. So far, it was so good. Everything is so fast and I already memorized the whole dance choreography in a span of time. I guess my past dance lessons also helped me to remember the steps instantly once I see them. That's why we didn't have any major problems when I did try to do the steps.

Since it was break time and the practice will continue after one hour, aunt Kris brought me to a room where she told me to wait. I thought she'll be just going to get some lunch for us and we will be eating there after but then she came back with manager oppa who was carrying some light stand, and other things usually used in filming.

"Guess what we are doing?" Manager oppa said as he sets the camera in front of me also the lights and other stuff.

"Wait, I thought we are going to eat," I asked aunt Kris.

"Yup, but also Pd-nim said that it's a great time for you to appear on the internet again. We'll be having a live using your Youtube channel, and I'll share the link on your socials too. But of course, you can't give them the news yet."

"Is this for real?" I asked as I can't believe that I have to appear on live again after a long time of not posting anything.

I do miss my supporters too, which is why I am doing my best to get this training end so I can already make a debut, but of course, I think it was also a good move that I stayed away from it since I have some personal things that I need to deal with.

"Are you excited?" Manager oppa asked.

"More like nervous. What If I slipped? What if I messed up and told them about it."

"Don't worry, we can turn off the live instantly." Manager oppa joked which made me groan.

"But seriously, don't worry. Just reconnect with your supporters. Just like the usual thing you do when you were in the Philippines. While doing that, you can also eat, we only have an hour because you have to go back to your practice after."

"Geez, this is killing me. You should have told me earlier so I could prepare."

"No need, you look fine anyway. And don't worry if you don't know what to say, just read some comments. That's all." Aunt Kris said.

She set the laptop in front of me but also moved it away from the camera so I can still be seen. After setting it all up, Manager signaled me to get ready. I nodded and just let whatever happens. I just hope I won't mess up or else, I don't know what to do.

As the manager oppa put his thumbs up, I saw the live from my youtube channel. The live titled as 'It's good to be back, did you miss me?' Seriously, aunt Kris really knows how to tease my viewers.

I chuckled as I shake my head while I wait for the viewers.

92k viewers

Whoa, already almost a hundred thousand?

I moved the laptop closer since I can't read the comments. While I was waiting, and I watch the comment section goes up fast, I started to eat as I feel hungry with all this nervousness in my system.

"We already have a hundred thousand viewers. Wow, is this real?" I said as I looked closer at the laptop. And I am right!

After some moments the comments already calmed down. It's expected because the first minutes are the viewers saying hi and hello. Which is why the comments move so fast.

"Y/N, how are you going? I'm very good today, I'm just... ... having a great time with all of you guys. Did you miss me?" I said as I stopped midway to think of what to say.

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