He continued to read, seemingly unbothered by my provocation. Damn. Knowing when to pick my battles I stopped and listened. His academic paragraphs weren't bad at all. Which pissed me off a little, he's good looking and smart. Too bad he's an ass hat.

He kept on going and I progressively became more distracted and tired. I leaned onto my hand, resting my cheek in my palm and just watched him. The way his eyelashes fluttered and touched his cheeks as he blinked. How when he leaned down his hair would fall onto his forehead so his head pushed it away.

The way his dimple on his right cheek would appear when he said certain words. Or how he would crack his knuckles while reading, seeming to do it unconsciously. And depending one the angle he tilted his head the sun from the blinds would shine on his left eye showing a burning amber color.

"Am i boring you princess?" He sneered. Keeping eye contact I answered, "Actually you are. Thank god you noticed." I breathed out, keeping my non threatening smile on my face.

He frowned at me and closed his computer, "Got any better ideas then princess." He said in a condescending tone, leaning forward like I was before. I tilted my chin up in challenge, meeting him in the middle of the desk.

We were both hovering over the crack that connects our desks together. "So princess, what's your idea?" He breathed out. His breath tickled my cheeks and blew my baby hairs. He was taller than me so even leaning over a desk he was still a little above me.

"Well your highness," I whispered leaning even closer in and raising my shoulders so we were eye to eye. Our noses were a hair away from touching each other, but we never broke eye contact. Both of us refused to admit defeat.

I tilted my chin up high in a quiet way of showing superiority which he noticed. "I was thinking we-"

"Brian, Christian, stop kissing and do your work." The teacher demanded. Both our eyes went wide as we stared at each other. My body grew tense but i refused to lose, "We're not making, we're having a staring contest. Which I'm winning by the way." I called out to the teacher while not breaking eye contact.

I smiled and raised an eyebrow at him. "Funny Christian but if I recall you've already blinked 54 times." He smirked at me. "You just made up that number. And if not you're a fucking creep." I poked while looking into his left and right eye.

"What are you guys doing?" Some girl asked nervously from beside Brian but neither of us looked away. "Asserting dominance." I told her far off.

She forced a laugh, "Come on Brian this is stupid." From my peripheral vision I saw her hand on his shoulder. Because we were so close I saw the slight widening in his eyes and his body tense.

A sense of familiarity called to me and I wanted to help. "You're distracting the competition. Please get your hand off of him, I want to win because I'm superior in all forms. Your hand might mess that up."

He seemed to zone back in a look even deeper into my eyes than before. As if he was searching for something or was trying to tell me something. I'm not some kind of anime character that can communicate with lightning bolts so i have no idea.

"You don't have to be fucking rude." She snapped, "I was just talking to him." Thankfully she took her hand off and I saw his body relax a bit. I could tell he was asking me something but I feigned innocence.

"You guys are fucking weird." A guy said lightly while I heard distant female chatter. "You like the view there Christian? Seems you can't take your eyes away." Brian voiced with overwhelming cockiness.

"This whole time i've been keeping myself from throwing up by looking at you. You should be thanking me for having that much self control." I quipped back. "Oh so the new girl has some attitude." someone different dude joked behind me.

The Mitchell BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora