Chapter Nineteen

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Shane's POV

I waited up for Y/n, she never came. So I finally just fell asleep. I was awoken to pounding on my front door, no sign of my wife anywhere.

"Shane!" Negan's voice echoed through the apartment.

"One second sir! Getting dressed!" I rushed around the apartment picking up pieces of clothes and toys I cleaned up, got dressed, and opened the door in less than two minutes.

"We have a small issue with you." Negan smiled with Lucille on his shoulder. I swallowed hard, confused. "Your wife, you know the one that managed to kill one of my guys, cut open my fence, and escape."

"She- she what?" There was a sour taste in my mouth. My heart told me that she had her head on a stake somewhere, dead.

"Then, I ran into her coworker who gave me this gem." Negan held out a piece of paper to me. I took it and my eyes widened.

I apologize for the letter from Reagan. She did this for me. I don't know when, how, or what caused me to disappear, but know that I'm going home. I'll go to Alexandria. I love you. Noah too. I can't be in this place. I love my son, I have a feeling I won't take him with me when I leave. I trust you. I really do. So, Shane Walsh... remember I'll be back. We won't die. Fight for the right side. I don't want you caught in the crossfire. If push comes to shove, I'll be fighting for my father. For the Alexandrian's. For Hilltop. For my son to do as he pleases when he's older. I love you, more than words can describe. Take care of Noah, I'll be waiting. Don't forget you can always switch sides. Always.
I love you.

Dad will read you this. I love you, my boy. Dad will teach you to shoot a gun and I'll teach you how to throw knives. How does that sound? I love you Noah. Don't argue with daddy, be nice, play nice, and pick up your toys. I love you.


"She- she- she-" I had no words. The letter, note, passage, thing was breath taking. Not in a good way.

"We are going to Alexandria!" Negan smiled and got real close to my face. "Tomorrow of course. Now, you are going to stay locked up here all day no electricity nothing. Just so you know," his voice dropped to a whisper and I tended. "I'll kill you personally if you had ANYTHING to do with this."

— — — —
Y/n's POV

Dad was skeptical, but he went along with the plan. He brought me to Alexandria. It was like everything was changed. People were afraid of everything, every single person was on a constant high-alert. The first step I took into Alexandria, people were cleaning. Cleaning everything. I smiled at the sight of my home, like a fresh start. If didn't take more than a week for Negan's people to show up. We'd waged help with these people who lived in the dump. When Negan did show up, they fought for us.

"You know Rick I'm going to need you to open the gate." Negan's voice rung though Alexandria. "I have Shane and Saha and I'd hate for Sasha to have to come back in this box, and Shane die right here.  "

"Let me see them." Dad yelled towards Negan and I held my gun tight. I was standing next to a garbage guy behind a car aiming right at the gate. Daryl had shown up for this too, we all held strong and waited. I heard yelling and then guns were all pointed at us.

"You tried to blow me up!" Negan's voice was just pissed off. "Get Shane."

"What?" I looked at Daryl and then dropped my gun. I was grabbed my someone, more like held back.

"Shane here let his one mission get away. I trusted him, trusted he could keep Y/n tied down and for her to stay put. Now, his son is in the care of one of my beautiful wives and he gets to pay the price. Unless, I get his beautiful wife back." Negan's chuckle got me going.

"Shane!" I let myself yell out I pulled out of the grasp of who I figured was Aaron, and I ran towards the gate. "Let him go!"

"Y/n! I love you!" Shane yelled and I reached the gate, I was grabbed again. Someone was pulling me back. Tears streamed down my face and my heart sunk.

"Now, you have one chance. Open this gate right now or he dies." Negan's voice turned cold. I was panicking.

"Shane! Let me go!" I tussled with whoever was holding me. I was lifted off the ground.

"Y/n stop, you can't." Daryl's voice filled my ears. I sobbed and my whole body kicked one last fight response.

"Don't hurt him." Dad was pleading with Negan, I kicked out of Daryl's grasp and I heard a gunshot. My eyes widened and I screamed as loud as I could. I dropped to my knees and lost all control.

"Y/n! Y/n! Stop!" Daryl grabbed me and pulled me away. Gunfire was everywhere. I was pulled behind a car where I passed out.

When I woke up I was being carried by someone unfamiliar. A large black man with dreadlocks and dark clothes.

"I have found her." His voice was hoarse and proud. I blinked my eyes opened and looked around.

"Shane." I looked around at everyone and noticed I was now being stood up. "Wher-where's Shane?" I stumbled into the large man and then Dad.

"Y/n, just calm down." Dad was holding onto me keeping me steady.

"Who are you?" I straightened out and took my balance again.

"Ezekiel, the King." The man who was previously carrying me smiled.

"Did we kill them?" I looked at Dad and inhaled a deep breath.

"Not all of them." Dad sighed and looked at me. I raised a hand.

"Is he dead? Is Shane dead?" I felt my stomach drop, tears lined my eyes and my heart felt heavy.

"No, but-" Dad started to talk and I let the tears fall anyway. The but, that's the bad news. That's the scary part. He's going to die. We know it. We all do.

Shane Walsh X reader ( TWD fanfic) Book 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum