Chapter Seven

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Shane's POV

After I sent Y/N off to find a way out, walkers surrounded me. Their breaths and growling filled my ears. I lost sight of her, everything I'd ever knows was gone after that moment. I picked up my gun and fired bullets. One, two, three, I counted each walker I shot down. I slowly made my way to the nearest opening in fence. Then I ran, I ran how Y/n would when she was little. How she'd run when she felt threatened. Every step another picture of her flooded my mind. My eyes watered dangerously and I kept wiping them trying to stop. I reached the road and saw nothing, no one. Not even a walker, my heart broke. Shattered. I looked left then right. Nothing lead me anywhere. Except the screaming from a direction. I picked up my feet and ran. It sounded like Lizzie or Mika. I rushed in the direction to find exactly who I expected Mika. A walker too. I lifted my gun and shot him. He fell to the side and she looked over at me and smiled. I ran over and picked her up.

"Where's your sister?" I put her up into my shoulder and her body tensed.

"I don't know, she said she was going to find Noah and-" Mika stopped talking and when I looked up her face was looking dead set in front of us. I looked back down and Lizzie was standing there with Carol and Tyrese. I picked Mika up off my shoulders and set her down.

"Is- is that?" I swallowed hard and looked at the baby. Carol had her arms full of another baby, Judith.

"Noah, look." Tyrese aimed Noah towards me and tears fell down my face. I stepped forwards and Tyrese held Noah out to me. I took him calmly.

"Noah, baby boy." I took a shaky deep breath. Tears fell down my face and I pulled him in close. His tiny arms wrapped around my neck and held me tight. "Thank you."

"Shane!" Lizzie smiled and hugged my waist and Mika too. I was focused on everything.

"Y/n, where is she?" I looked up at Carol and she looked down.

"I don't know." Carol stumbled on her words. With them, I'm safe. I sighed and nodded.

"We'll find her eventually." I held my head up and when I dropped my head I looked at Noah who was cooing and smiling while playing with my necklace.

— —

We had to kill Lizzie, she killed Mika and almost Judith. Then Noah. Tyrese kept me calm. I lost my grip, Carol ended up being the one to kill Lizzie and Mika. In good faith I held onto the little bracelet Mika always wore, Y/N would want it. I put the bracelet into my front pocket. Noah and Judith are what matters. Carol and Tyrese were huge about making sure I stayed alive. Something about finding Y/N. I don't know if we ever will. Raising the children alone is Amy only goal. Staying alive for them. We'd found a large smoke stack, when we went to check it out there was a guy. He had our family. My family. Carol checked it out. I stayed back with the kids and Tyrese. When we finally heard people outside I was the first one out. With Noah in one arm and Judith in the other. They all saw me and were shocked.

"Where's Y/N?" Carl dropped that first. I shook my head and looked down. "She's dead."

"We don't know that. We have been looking for you guys first." Carol interjected. We all nodded while Dad held Judith up smiling. They were over joyed. More than over joyed. We left the buildings behind and moved on. Kept our heads up and walked, longer and longer we walked. The days felt longer, the air was dryer. Things weren't the same. Ever time Noah and Judith cried we were in danger. We eventually found a church to settle down in. A man lived there, Rick saved his life. Protected him. Everyday I went two miles in a random direction to find Y/N. Nothing. Not a single thing. Nothing that seemed like her. Every time I even thought it was her, it lead me wrong. Daryl was out looking for Beth. Opposite direction to me. I would spend hours looking for her. We spent days at the church.

"Rick." I jogged over to him and Abraham. They were leaning against the bus. "I'm going to look Y/N again. I'll be back before dark."

"We have a problem." Rick looked at me and sighed. "Found Bob this morning. Bit, group fired at us. The bastards from Terminus."

"Shit. Well," I sighed. "Y/n can wait then." I swallowed hard. Something in my stomach told me to stay there. I looked at Rick who looked at Abraham and back. "What?"

"He had a note tapped to his chest." Rick sighed and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket handing it to me. I stared at the words for a long while.

"I'm going to find this fucker." My voice was barely a whisper.

Dear Rick,
You'll remember the little thing you did for me, forever. In exchange I have your beloved daughter. No, not the baby. Notice how Bob's leg is missing? Right, well given the circumstance what if we take her arms, then legs, keep her alive then return her? See I've yet to figure out which one is her husband, I know her son. The way he cries, sounded like her the other night. See you soon.
Y/N sends her regards.

My blood boiled at every word. I crumbled up the paper and dropped it on the ground.

"Shane. Shane you need to calm down." Rick had his hand out touching the tips of his fingers to my chest. I huffed and puffed. I couldn't get over his words.

"Sounded like her the other night." I repeated the words. They circled my mind. "If her laid a finger on her."

"Dad?" Carl's voice came from inside the church hustling out. "Bob said he knows where they were last night." Carl's eyes flickered to me where he sighed. "Said Y/N is with them, last thing he remembers is- Shane you might not want to hear this."

"Carl, boy you better tell me." I walked over to him trying to cool my bones.

"Last thing he remembers about Y/N, she was throwing punches at Gareth. Then falling back against the tree, blacked out." Carl swallowed and looked me dead in the eye. I nodded and walked past him, straight to Bob.

"What happened Bob?" I sat next to him while he had a sad look on his face.

"I went to go outside. Get some air, they grabbed me by the shirt. I woke up to Y/N yelling my name. My leg was gone and she calmed me down. She was fine, looked slightly hungover but, fine. Heard em' taking about her pack filled with all kinds of alcohol. Like she was trying to drink until she died." Bob sighed and squeezed Sasha's hand. "And elements school, they said something about moving out and going around."

"Thank you Bob." I smiled at him and patted his head. He nodded at me and I left the room. Time to formulate a plan, and get my wife back safely in my arms. All limbs attached.

Shane Walsh X reader ( TWD fanfic) Book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin