Chapter Four

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Four months later

After we found Maggie and Glenn, who was in custody of an 'enemy' camp, lead by a man who calls himself the Governor. We also found our Daryl's brother Merle was there. I heard all about that, I heard about how Dad left him on the rooftop. How he cut off his own hand. We all expected him to be flat out dead, but he's a Dixon so of course he survived. Daryl was deadest on finding him. Dad was against Merle Dixon, me, I wasn't. If I know Daryl, which I do, then I know that Merle was just as good as Daryl. Within in the last few months we had a war go on with the Governor. Their people became our people, after a small war waged between us. They dropped walkers on our door, we ended up with all of their people. The woman with the baby formula stuck around, Michonne. She was an asset to the team.

"Y/n?" Shane smiled as he sat next to me in our cell. He looked slightly nervous. I was laying with my back against the wall looking at the baby bump. Eight months pregnant, only a few weeks away from nine.

"Hi." I barely whispered as I leaned into him. He put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"I thought about names," Shane took a deep breath as he ran a finger in circles around my belly. "Kaleb or Noah for a boy, a little warrior."

"What's makes you so sure it's a boy?" I smiled and Shane shrugged.

"Sophia or Camren for a girl." Shane smiled and kissed me on the head, he slowly laid his hand flat on my stomach and I put my hand on top of his.

"Noah and Camren. What if we end up with twins?" I shuttered at the thought and Shane tensed you under me.

"Then we are so fucked." Shane growled into my hair.

"No Shane, that's how I got pregnant." I rolled my head back and laughed, Shane gasped and kissed me on the lips. I couldn't help but, smile.

"Y/n, I have something to ask you." Shane pulled away from me and sat so we were facing each other. "Right now is the safest we will ever be, and I want to ask you something because I don't think anytime is better than right now and so-"

"Shane, get to the point." I smiled and Shane fiddled with his hands. When he reached into his front pocket I knew.

"Y/n, I want to marry you. I want to make sure that I can call you my wife before I die. Before this little one is born, and y/n," Shane cupped my cheeks, bringing me aware of the tears falling down. "Marry me."

"Yes, yes-yes-yes!" I didn't pause in my grasp to say yes. I held my hand out and the ring we'd found only months ago in the apartment building was on my finger and I was officially engaged. I grabbed Shane's shirt and pulled him to me, I kissed him passionately and smiled. "You hear that little one, mommas getting married!"

"I am so fucking in love with you." Shane smiled as he put my forehead against his. My smile was so big, it was like taking a breath of air after being underwater for to long.

"Me too." I whispered while closing my eyes. I could stay like that forever.

— — —
A few hours later Shane and I finally went to the cafeteria where everyone was sitting and waiting. When one person saw us everyone else looked. Of course Shane raised both his arms and one of mine, above his head like a football player would.

"I'm engaged!" Shane yelled and everyone cheered. I could help, but to laugh at his antics. I held my belly with my free hand. Dad walked up and hugged me, Carl too.

"A prison wedding." Carl grinned and started to laugh, within seconds two of the girls from the camp, Lizzie and Mika ran up and hugged me.

"I can't wait to meet her y/n." Lizzie smiled up at me before Mika nudged her.

Shane Walsh X reader ( TWD fanfic) Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang