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Pulling my lips away I wrap my arms around him tightly whilst I kept on smelling him.

"U-umm w-what-t are y-you d-doing" The handsome stranger Im stradling said.

"hmm Mine" I mummbled into his chest.

I pulled away and held my hand out fo him to take. Once he was up I clung to his torso.

"Umm who are you?" Said the girl for earlier taking a step closer making me growl at her. At the sound of my growl she instantly froze.

I looked up at this stranger that I am hugging. "Hi my names Huntress and if you guys want to keep on living I would start walking. I said unwrapping myself an started walking towards the window.

"Well come on" I said fustrated.

They started walking untill they suddwnly stopped. I turned around giving them an irritated look. I put my hands on my hips and tap my foot "Well hurry unless you want to get Zombie-fied".

"W-We can't jump down the window" The younger boy said giving me a disbelieveing tone. I just rolled my eyes muttering 'pansy' under my breath.

I pass the older boy I hooked my arms to his arm and dragged him with me. He struggled at first but when he notcied he wasn't getting out he gave up with a huff.

I glanced behind me and noticed that they were all following with Ry at the back.

Ry guard the back and tell me when you sense something I thought through our mind link.

Rodger rodger Captain He said jokingly.

Concentrate Ry since we have humans with us it will be a disadvantage I said worried. What if they caught him.

Then why can't we ditch'em He said irritated.

Because I think this is what 'they' said, you know when they gave me the serum they some how manages to split my soul in half and that scientist stole it for his son I told him remembering what happened tht night with a grim expression.

"S-so where are you taking us" The girl said.

"To a safe location" I replies in a monotone.

"Whats your names?" I asked.

"My names Bethany" The girl said.

"Sarah" The older women said.

"Hayden" The younger boy said.

"Jake" My other soul said.

"Why are you always taking my hand?" He asked irritated.

"Well you will find out soon and because I have claimed you as mine so you will stick with me, so don't even try because I don't want you to die" I said sternly.

After that he said nothing so I continued to walk. Mintues later we came upon a house.

Hey Ry can ya check I asked him.

Yeah wait here I'll be back soon And after he said that he ran pass us and into the house, whilst I babysit. "When are we going in?, what if we get caught out here?" Hayden I think his name is, said.

I tucked some of my hair behind my ear than sighed "Don't worry, ok I won't let anything happen to you guys on my watch" I said just before Ry came back and gave me the all clears.

Walking in the direction of the house I motioned for the group to come inside before shutting the door, locking it, than building a barrier with a dresser just in case. I walk up to every window and lock it before covering it with newzpapers or wood, then I went up stairs, closed and locked every window before grabbing the mattresses and pulling them downstairs with the help of Ry.

After Im finished I see that they are just staring at me. Giving them an annoyed look I said "Go.To.Sleep" While pointing to the matresses.

They all nodded before getting into the mega massive matress I made but didn't go to sleep for somereason, confused I was about to ask why but than I herd a rumbling and frowned "Sorry Im just hungry" Bethany I think said.

As realisation came to me I grabbed my bad and opened then grabbed some energy bars out and gave them two each, as they eagerly said thank you and ate them. "H-How did you get food?" A boy said.

"I grabbed them out of deserted gas stations and stuff" I lied.

Ry come here and sleep I commaned.

Its alright, I can take first shift He said.

No you will come here and sleep on my lap and I will take first watch I sternly said.

Fine He muttered before laying his big head, yawned and fell asleep whlist I stayed and took first shift.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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