Panic Comfort ~Jay x Reader~

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  (I edited this cuz someone told me I spelled the title incorrectly and im dying inside now-)

  (A/N - I'm literally working on five different parts rn and I decided to finish this one first, smh :/ ALSO SOMEONE FROM MY SCHOOL FOUND MY WATTPAD ACCOUNT AND IM DYING BECAUSE THEY READ EVERY PART OF EVERY STORY I HAVE MADE. Aight, I made this cuz Discord wants some soft Jay, so here it is.)

~ Word Count - 924 ~

  Y/N is a person that got scared very easily and got panic attacks if someone scares her enough. As her boyfriend, Jay knew very much about this, but Stephen didn't know about this shyt for plot purposes.

  Stephen and Y/N were both in ze bedroom doing whatever pals do in bedrooms together (I wouldn't know what that's like, having a friend.) and Jay was in a different room, doing whatever Jay does, and trusting the Stephen won't be a dong and try to flirt with Y/N.

  But then Jay heard a small scream coming from the bedroom both you and Stephen were in, and he immediately knocks down everything in his way to get there as quickly as possible, aaaaaand he broke the damn door down.

  The sight before him slightly confuses him, Stephen looking down at something, concerned confused and slightly worried. The thing he is looking at is Y/N, curled up in a ball on the ground and shaking violently. "What the fuck did you do Stephen?" Jay says in a low voice, slightly scaring said purple-haired male.

  He quickly runs to the place where there was once a door and tells Jay, "An attempt was made to scare her, and she did more then get scared. Please go handle her." Stephen then quickly leaves the room to let Jay comfort the trembling ball on the ground, leaving just the two of them alone.

  Jay slowly walks to the trembling figure and with the softest voice he can manage, he says, "What happened? Could I help you?" 

  He calmly kneels down next to you and holds you up in his arms.

  After not getting a response he attempts to ask you again, but all you could respond with was short breaths and muffled cries due to you refusing to move your arms away from your face.

  He sighs softly, gently picks you up, and he places you on the bed against the headboard. After wrapping the covers around you he sits down next to you and makes another attempt to comfort you from your panic attack.

  But eventually, you start having trouble breathing. Your trouble breathing made you panic even more, causing you to have an even lower ability to breathe. Your hands go up to your throat and you start shaking even harder.

  Jay's comforting arms wrap around you again and he starts whispering to you as an attempt to not startle you more "It's alright Y/N, please just remember what you need to do."

  You try your best to focus on Jay's voice as he reminds you of how you need to calm yourself from this panic attack of the Devil, "Breathe in for four seconds Y/N."

  You did as he says, shuddering slightly at the great feeling about being to breathe again (No homo), even if just a little bit, "Hold your breath for seven seconds. Now breathe out for eight." Your hands move away from your throat and back down to your waist. "There you go Y/N, now just keep it up until you can fully breathe again. . ."

  You repeat the exercise until you completely calm down and the tears stop flowing.

  Your body slumps against Jay's, and you sighed in relief for finally feeling completely relaxed, something you haven't felt in a while. Jay's hand softly rubs the side of your arm and he cuddles up with you under the covers.

  "So. . . What the hell happened? What do I need to kill Stephen for?" You turn slightly to loosely wrap your arms around him as you softly reply to his question, "Nothing really. . . He just. . . Tried scaring me and his p-"

  Jay silently cuts you off by letting go of your body, getting up, and quickly shuffling through the drawer next to the bed for a knife to do a lil stabby stabby, "That little in. . . . . . . . . . micro. . . . . . ." His low tone makes him slightly illegible, but you can still detect the anger in his voice.

  "Jay please. . ." He finds his hidden knife and heads to the door. "Jay all I want right now is some comfort, please just cuddle with me. . ." Jay stops right at the door after hearing your voice and the pleading tone of it.

  ". . . Please ? Jay?. . ."

  Jay turns his head to look at you, back to the door, and sighs softly. He drops the knife on the floor (Like an irresponsible adult man would.) and walks back to you. "Right Y/N, sorry. . ."

  He laid back down with you under the sheets again. The two of you went back to cuddling and he made sure that you would get a noice rest.

  He eventually got 'revenge ' on Stephen after you fell asleep, and Stephen 100% learned his lesson for trying to scare you :D

  (A/N - Im considering it, so, who do you want the first lemon to be about? I'm not sorry. CHOSE ANY OF THESE BEAUTIFUL MEN/WOMEN THAT HAVE BEEN GUESTS OR ONCE MEMBERS :D)


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