How He Asks You Out

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  (A/N - *Typing in google translate intensifies.* *Trying -but failing- to copy and paste the actual Korean symbols intensifies.* *Knowing this is probably very wrong intensifies.*)

  Google Translate - (You like anyone?) (Korean? Mind explaining why?) (Answer.) (Fine, yeah.) (Who?) (Daniel, now let me do work.) (Hahahahaha, no -Author-San)

  Technically it was mostly Jay that got you two together, but we shall still give some credit to Dan.
  "Hey Jay, Y/N knows Korean too, right?" "From what I'm aware of, yeah. She's really fluent in it as well." "Good, uhm. . . It there any way you could. . . Uhm. . . Ask her out for me?" "Sure PAL!"
  "Hey Y/N!" "Oh, hi Jay" "당신은 누구를 좋아합니까?" "한국어? 이유를 설명해 주시겠습니까?" "대답." "알았어" "누구?" "다니엘, 이제 일하게 해주세요."

  "Alright Dan! You heard it, she likes you back!" "제이, 네 엉덩이를 이길거야."

  For months he was searching online for a girls favorite way to get confessed to, and signs of a girl liking him. But, with his luck, all the 'signs' where things you didn't show to him.
  But he needed help, so he went to Dan. "Hey Dan, I have a. . . A question. . ." "What do you need Hosuh?" "It's about Y/N. . ." "Have you finally asked her out?" "N-No! I don't think she even likes me, she doesn't even show any signs of liking me. . ."
  "God Hosuh, stop being so insecure. If you stay like that I might just stop liking you." Hosuh turns around quickly, realizing the girl in front of the open door, "Y-Y/N! It's not. . . It's not what you think!" Hosuh practically yells as you walk towards him.
  "Calm your male parts, the feeling are mutual." You grab Hosuh by the collar and softly kiss him, Dan quickly grabbing his phone and taking a picture. 
  "Daniel Lim! Get back here right now!" "Nope! After I edit your faces and show this to people the fans are gonna be so happy for you two!"

  Stephen got sick. Again. And because he doesn't know how to take care of himself, you had to do it. Thank goodness he got sick on the weekend so you didn't have to stay home from work just to take care of the 23 year old brat-child.
  "God Stephen, even after nineteen years you're still the same dumb child." Stephen replies in a raspy wet mocking tone, "God Y/N, even after nineteen years you're still the same amount overprotective over me. And it's still just as cute~" You chuckle softly, taking his complement as a joke, "Hmm. . . I think I might love you even more though!"
  You blush deeply and push the pill and cup of water you got for Stephen towards him, "Take your medicine and shut up." Stephen does as asked, "So, do you actually want to go out with me?" "I never said I wanted to go out with you." "Oh. . ." "But of course I do, I love you and have for about. . . Seventeen years!" "Yeah, yeah, and our first date will be at the hospital if you don't get some rest and get better." Stephen chuckles as he lays down in the bed as he signals to you that he wants you to join him, "I'll join you when I finish grading some papers and find a back up just in case you get me sick as well."

  You guys were basically dating the moment you officially met, just the feelings weren't always there. One day, he was trying to decide if he should confess to you or not while you two were cuddling while re-watching Stranger Things
  "Hey Y/N." "Hm?" "On a scale of 1 to 10, you're an 11." He says as you giggle softly. "But when we start dating, we'd be a power couple of 20." "You don't give yourself enough credit, we'll be a 22." "So is that a yes?" "Hell yeah."

  He also wasn't the one to ask you out. Stephen was tired of Gavin showing so much love for you but never confessing, so he took matters into his own hands.
  "Hey Y/N~" "What Stephen~" Stephen tries forcing the book out of your hands as Gavin is very confused in the corner, "Y/N, we've been friends for so long, but I can't handle being that anymore." "What the actual fuck are you talking about?" " Gosh, you're so ignorant sometimes, but I still love you for it" Stephen purrs, Gavin gets pretty upset, and Y/N just focuses on her book, "Cool, but feelings aren't mutual."
  "What?!" Y/N sighs, stands up, walks up to Gavin, grabs him by the sleeves, and kisses him. "Sorry Stephen, I prefer younger brothers." Y/N says jokingly as Gavin is a stunned boi.
  "Also, I know that was just a trick to get me and Gavin together. I know you're gay."

  (A/N - It said "Jay, I'm gonna beat your ass." Also, I'm just now realizing how long Stephen and Hosuh's things are compared to the rest.)

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