VERY IMPORTANT (4realthistime)

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  I thought I posted this a while ago, apparently not, because Im too busy caring for my SICK mom to check on my fucking Wattpad stories. Anyways, this is still important.

  (P.S. If I sound a lot more aggressive/upset than usual, it's because I am but I really tried to not curse:) I hope this woman burns in the deepest part of hell in the near future for what she is doing :) )

  Okay, so, I read about this in two stories in my library, as well as from a few stories on Instagram, and there might be people here who don't know about it. So here I am, to protect your eyes from what might come.

  Apparently, there's this fricken crazy woman on Omegle and TikTok who has not only been showing herself EATING CATS, she shows her ABUSING them and FUCKING SKINNING THEM (And I'm not sure if they are alive during the skinning because I dont use Omegle or TikTok, but it's fucked up anyways.)


  AND EVEN AFTER ALL OF THAT, SHE STILL HAS THE AUDACITY TO SAY 'Oh, no, Im part of the furry community. I'm just a crazy bitch that hates INNOCENT FUCKING CATS THAT I JUST FIND ON THE STREETS OF TEXAS.' Ngl, I don't really like the furry community because of past experiences, but I'd happily stand up for them against this crazy woman after all that I've seen.

  Of course, Im not going to show any pics of what she does, because I want to stay as family-friendly as I can while still staying my self, but that shit is on the internet for you to find if you want to for some reason.

  Please, if you have any information on her, please please please go to the police. This woman deserves every bad thing possible to happen to her, and needs mental help. I also need mental help after seeing those pictures, but at least I actually love cats with my entire heart and dont use them to power my heart.

  Woman, if you are for some reason reading this, I hope you burn in hell, suffer the most painful and long death possible, and suffer for eternity. Those fucking cats did nothing bad to you, and even if one cat did, that doesn't give you a reason to record you brutally murdering them and eating them.

  I love my fucking cats. And if you live in Texas, please keep your cats inside and out of possible reach from this crazy lady.

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