When You're On Your Periodt

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  (A/N - This is 100% revealing my birth gender, but listen, I'm currently leaking. I have an excuse for making this part and making it kinda short for certain people. I'm too lazy right now to read this over five times to check for mistakes, so deal with it. K, onto the result of at least two days of a story.)

  You use your laptop as a heating pad and Dan as a pillow. You also keep him awake ALL night.
  "Danny, are you still awake?"
  "Sadly. . ."

  Your cramps are surprisingly calm, (Give some of that shiyt to Author-San plz, my cramps hurt so much.) But you have a lot of cravings, so Hosuh just makes and gives you food the entire week.
  "Hosuh?. . ." ". . .Hm?. . . Huh?. . . Are. . . Are you ok Honey?. . ." "I'm hungry. . ." "Honey, It's. . . It's like. . . 2 AM. . ." "I know, but I'm hungry, not tired. . ." "Fine. . . I'll get up. . . Just know that you really scared me. . ." "Thank you!"

  Stephen, having known you for the majority of your lives, so he has seen you for literally every period you've had. Basically, he knows exactly how you act and what you need to stay fucking calm and not kill him.
  "Gavin, that right there is what you call a phycopath." "But. . . That's Y/N? You're pointing at your girlfriend, Y/N?" "Yes, and she's bleeding." "What?"

  He knows the differences between Pads and Tampons, but that's about it. He doesn't understand how periods work, why they happen, what calms you the fuck down, and if he should reconsider his entire life or not.
  "Why do women have periods?" " It's basically just a women's body punishing her for not doing what she was made to do, make babies." "Wait, wha-"
  Luckily, Jay asked Ann to come over to help him take care of you, so she was able to tell him what it was actually for.
  "Bleeding is not fun, especially when it's coming from the woman testicle area." -Fellow Friend Who Is Also On Her Period.

  Gavin literally can't tell the difference between you in your period or normal you. The only difference is if there's blood coming out of you or not. And, you eat slightly more than usual, but it's too small for Gavin to notice.

  As a fellow woahman, she understands your pain. Except, your cramps are MUCH WORSE. Your periods usually aren't at the same time, so Ann is always willing to go to the store for you, as well as cuddle all day.
  The very, very, few times your periods are at (Near) the same time, Ann literally calls someone to go to the store to buy some stuff for the two of you (Mostly for you though) while you two just cuddle. Crying together.


  You're always competative, but when your on your period, you'll literally kill him if you lose anything.
  "Hey Jo, can we play a quick game?" "Of course Y/N!"
  "Jo, I will detach your skull from your spine."

  (A/N - Yes, I uploaded this at 9:35, but shush.)

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