They Meet Your Family

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  (Edit 2 - And here is the final version! I'm really worry about the wait, but certain people were -for some reason- harder to write than others *cough cough* Dan and Jo are hoes. *cough cough* Also, plz don't put the ex-boyfriend's name from Ann's scenario into Google Translate.)

  (Edit - I promised that this would be out yesterday. But that didn't happen. Really sorry about that, and I'm publishing this before I finish because you guys need some sort of content. Enjoy!)

  (A/N - After re-reading this for the thousandth time, I've realized that the only ones that -kinda- had a lot of 'siblings' was Jay, Jo, and Dan?. My natural brain's thoughts are really cool. I still h8 children.)


  You don't really have any. . . Parents. But, you've been living with your older brother for 99 percent of your life. He hasn't really spent much time with you recently because of how much he has been working to make sure that the two of you can continue comfortably living in your house.

  However, as soon he as much as you told him that you met Dan, (Which was late enough where you already realized your feelings for him), he already wanted to have a 'talk'  with him. That sure did remind you of how overprotective he always is between you and literally any guy. I'm surprised your brother didn't force you to bring Dan over when he wasn't working.

  Oh boy, Dan was fucking A F R A I D  when you told him that your brother (He needs a fucking name) wanted to have a talk with him someday. (Fuck it, his name is Bob. No one can stop me.)

  The day you finally bring Dan to your house on the right day, Dan 1,000% felt like his life was in danger as soon as his brain properly processed that he was finally meeting Bob.

  Their meeting though, big oof.

  "Hello Daniel Lim. It's nice to finally meet you Daniel Lim. I'm sure you already know, but I am Bob L/N." Bob says as he violently shakes Dan's hand, exaggerating their last names. "N-Nice to meet you too!" 

  "Alright you two! Let's go eat food! Bob, did you buy me more chocolate?"


  As mentioned before, you weren't exactly in good terms with your actual family. But, you have your adoptive parents that you actually like and treat with R E S P E C C.
  Also as mentioned before, your parents didn't really like that you were with Hosuh, because they thought he was gay. They didn't want your heart to be broken by someone just because they actually liked guys.
  "Are you sure that he's the right man for you Darling?" "Yes dad. . . I know that you and mom love me, but I know Hosuh is a good person-" "Darling, it's not that we think he's going to hurt you physically, it's more. . . Mentally. . ."
  Eventually, you were able to convince your 'parents' that he wasn't (Completely) gay, and they eventually came to treat him like their own son. What a good boi. . .

  This boyio has already met your parents and siblings L O N G ago. No reason to fear here, haha. . . Ha. . .

  But when he met your little, little cousins, you kinda felt jealous because they loved him more than you, just because he knew more about how to treat kids than you do.

  Haha, yeah right. You don't have the parents for him to meet.
  And remember that camera woman that he almost killed when the two of you first met? That bitch is your sister. Her name is Karen, for obvious reasons. However, she also apparently had brain damage, so she didn't remember who did that to her.
  So, basically, she started flirting with Jay. Talking about how she is 'Better than that little slut.'
  "Hey handsome, why don't you ditch that little gay, stupid, camgirl, for me. I'm hotter, smarter, and more loyal than that bitch could ever be ❤~"
  "Oh, well you definitely have taught me something." "And what's that, cutie? ❤~"

  "That your personality is faker than your chest~"

  "W. . . What if they don't like me Y/N?" "You're fine Ann, just because they hate Tramposa after what he did doesn't mean they'd hate you." The two of you were on your parents porch, trying to convince Ann that your parents wouldn't want to (Basically) kill her, "How can you so sure?" "Because they already loved you before we even started dating!"
  You eventually convinced her that she's be ok, and when you did, you knocked on the door.
  "Hi Mum!" "Oh, hello Y/N-Sweetie! So this is your wife, eh?" " M O M ! "
  "Mum, dad, this is as you know my girlfriend, Annabelle" "It's great to finally meet you Darling! We've heard Y/N-Sweetie ramble a lot a-" "Dad, please. . ."
  All in all, despite your past relationship, your parents really liked Ann. They also really enjoyed making fun of you in front of Ann to embarrass you. How nice of them. . .

  While on your way to your family's house, (-cough cough- Parent's -cough cough-) Jo had the most childish smile on his face the entire ride. Precious boi.
  But when the two of you finally arrived however, his (Beautiful) smile slightly faltered at the thought of your family not liking him. Precious boi.
  "You'll be ok Jo, I promise, they'll love you!" "If. . . If you say so. . ."

  You knock on the door, and Jo fiddles with your sleeve. Precious boi. "It's ok Jo-" "Y/N! Darling! It's wonderful to see you again!" "Oh, hi Dad."

  Suddenly, you see two of your little siblings run up behind your father, "Y/N! Is that your boyfriend?" "What's your name? Can you play with us?" The two little children happily chirp as your Dad sighs and slowly shakes his head.

  Jo looks at you for approval, you just smile as you grab his hand gently and pull him with your two little siblings so the four of you (As well as whatever other people were absolute children on the inside) could play together. Precious boi.


  (A/N - I expected to publish this yesterday, but, uhm. . . Didn't happen! Sorry about that, I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to write for certain people. Fuck you Dan and Jo. Thank you for waiting though!) (I'm joking Dan and Jo, I love both of you.)

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