The Infamous Peter Pan (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Peter!" you call as if that was going to help. Of course, he wouldn't hear you from out here. Nobody wou-

"I was beginning to wonder when you'd call for me, love." you hear that familiar British accent from behind you, interrupting you from your thoughts.

You quickly turn around to meet his green eyes looking thoughtfully at you. "Peter!" you say excitedly.

He smiles at you with a small smile that soon fades once he realizes that you are soaking wet and shivering. "What happened, why are you soaked?" he asks worriedly.

"I uh... I swam... from th-the ship," you stutter. He walks closer to you and puts his hands on your shoulders, sending a sensation down your body. He had touched you before, but not like this. It gives you butterflies in your stomach.

"You swam? In the frigid waters... to see me?" you nod and he just smiles warmly. "Here, let me help," he says, tightening his grip a bit on your shoulders. Immediately, warmth surrounds you as you and your clothes start to dry. 

"Better?" he asks, dropping his hands. You nod, looking into his eyes. 

The sun is now setting, bringing back those beautiful colors in the sky. You and Peter both look at each other with looks of fascination. His gaze almost causes you to melt, but definitely sends butterflies through your whole body. He takes a small step closer to you, reconnecting his hands with your shoulders, causing your heart rate to speed up.

Your pulse quickens even more once you realize that his gaze is alternating between your eyes and your lips. He leans in very slowly, as if hesitant to kiss you. You feel as though you can't move like your body is frozen. His lips move closer to yours. You are now only centimeters away from each other with locked eyes. 

Just before your lips connect, you both hear footsteps and quickly pull away. You turn to where you heard the footsteps and see your father, and he looks furious.

"Dad, I-"

"Y/N!" he cuts you off. "You snuck off the ship! Do you have any idea how terrifying it is to find out your daughter is missing on Neverland? And what was it all for? To see Peter?"

You don't know what to say. Yes, you did, but your father would kill you if he knew that you had fallen for the bloody boy.

"You," he said pointing an angry finger at Peter. "You did something to her. You did a spell or curse som-"

"Dad! He didn't do anything to me," you cut him off. This was my choice. I left by myself to see him," you blurt. So much for hiding the fact that you like him.

He doesn't respond to this. A few seconds go by in silence, your father's face in complete shock as you start to feel sick. You start to feel sweaty and nauseous like you could pass out any second. You lose your balance for a second, almost falling before you catch yourself.

Peter grabs your arm with a worried look.

"Y/N?" Hook says. "What's wrong?"

"I-I-I don't... I don't k-know," you manage to stutter before losing your balance completely and falling. You can feel Peters's arms catch you and slowly let you down, but you are out before you can even touch the ground.

Peter's POV

Y/N stumbles a bit and I reach out to stabilize her. She starts getting really pale and looks like she's about to pass out so I keep my arm out to hold her up. A frantic moment passes, I have no clue what's wrong, then she's out cold.

I catch her as she falls and lay her on the ground carefully. Hook rushes to her side and shakes her to wake her up, but she doesn't stir.

I wonder what could have made her pass out. It doesn't seem likely for her to drop for no reason. I search her body trying to find the source of this mishap when I see blood on her leg. I quickly take a look, hoping it's now what I think it is. I see black in her veins running up her ankle.

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