Chapter 19 : Dolled Up

Start from the beginning

"How rude," she said in a surprised tone and took another step back when she saw the salesman throw a dirty look at her.

He stormed inside the shop and she stood there dumb-founded. How can people be so mean? She asked herself.

She was belittled and it made her feel bad, nonetheless, Crystal resumed on her path.

A dark shadow appeared in-front of her and made her stop dead on tracks.

"Geldard, help the lady with her baggage," he commanded making Geldard rush to her side and take the book bag off her hands.

"Ah no, it's okay I can carry it myself," she stretched her hands to take it back but Geldard had already taken it away and placed inside the coach.

"I can really carry it myself, this isn't required Mr. Deighton," she spoke making Cloyd raise an amused brow.

"How formal," he smirked darkly and stood close to her. 

"We shall return it to you once we are done with some business."

"Business?" Crystal blinked innocently and searched for his eyes.

Mr. Deighton took her hand in his delicately and smiled sweetly, "Shopping, my dear."

"Come with me," he whispered and took her along to the same shop from where the salesman had chased her away.

The door chimed open and he stepped in with crystal. The salesman rushed towards Cloyd and judging by his aristocratic attire, his smile widened.

"Please welcome, sir. What may I help you with?" He rubbed his palms and looked at Crystal for a split second then soon averted his eyes back to Cloyd.

"Call your manager. At once," Cloyd announced coldly and the salesman nodded in pressure.

The manager of the shop was summoned and upon noticing Cloyd Deighton in his shop, he pushed the salesman aside and greeted Cloyd himself, "Mr. Deighton! We are extremely honored to have your presence at our small shop, how may I help you?"

Cloyd lazily eyed the nervous salesman standing at the side with his eyes avoiding him. He raised a finger then swung it towards the man, "This man, out. And bring me a salesperson preferably a woman who knows how to treat their customers right."

The manager understood what he meant and turned to glare at the shocked and horrified salesman who was on the verge of losing his job.

"Mr. Deighton you don't have to-" Crystal objected but Cloyd raised an hand to silence her. The stern glower made her turn her head away.

The manager pulled out a handkerchief and wiped away his forehead which was now covered in cold sweat.

"I apologize on behalf of our staff's insolent behaviour, we promise this shall never happen again," he apologized sincerely with a guilt-stricken face.

Cloyd didn't care to respond and it only made the manager more uncomfortable because he had made a potential and powerful customer upset.

"Florence!" the manager called out and a little lady in a neat uniform appeared at once.

She gave a slight bow and asked, "Yes, sir?"

"Please tend well to our special customer, Mr. Deighton. Make sure all of our best pieces are shown to his beautiful companion and that all their requests are fulfilled," he instructed and the lady nodded.

"Of course, sir," she smiled charmingly and gestured her hand towards the inside of the shop, "This way please, sir, madam."

The little lady guided the couple towards the display of all the amazing and eye popping expensive dresses.

Crystal turned back and saw the manager angry upon the rude man and giving him an earful in hushed noises.

"Don't show me your face again!" she heard him sneer and suddenly felt sorry for the salesman. Cloyd tugged at her arm to divert her attention and they stood before a door. The little saleswoman turned open the door that seemed to guard the private room reserved only for the rich.

"What might be your preference, sir?" Florence asked.

"For every occasion, no particular preference - evening gowns, dresses, peignoirs, chemises, everything. Bring me the best you have," Cloyd ordered authoritatively.

"Sure, sir. Please have a seat," she gestured at the sofa seat in the corner and left.

Crystal who had been confused and quiet all along decided to break the silence, "Why are you doing this?"

"Can't I splurge a little on my special woman?" he smiled and shifted closer to trace a finger along her face.

"There-" Crystal began but the saleswoman interrupted them as she entered the room with couple of beautiful gowns in her arms.

Crystal imagined trying each of the dress and already concluded that it was going to be a long and exhaustive evening.

"Try as many as you can today. We shall look for more dresses and accessories of better variety on a different day," Mr. Deighton instructed.

Florence mentally scoffed hearing him insult their products. She took Crystal to a changing area that was parted from the room just through a foldable wooden screen. She blushed thinking she would have to change right there and it didn't seem like Mr. Deighton would leave either.

The first garment was a red colored body fitting gown with a mermaid flare at the ankle. The sweetheart bodice clung dangerously to her breasts and she felt very insecure with the unnecessary cleavage show. She cautiously stepped out and kept adjusting the top.

Mr. Deighton dismissed Florence once she had put all the dresses on the self help shelf. He needed some privacy with his little woman.

When he saw the dress, a wave of discontent washed over his face and before he could say anything, she nodded in understanding and picked out another dress.

After a few pathetic trials, Crystal stepped out in a beautiful off white gown with black details. The dress was modest enough and accentuated her curves well. He smirked a little being mildly aroused and quietly selected the sophisticated dress for her.

When she is completely his, perhaps he would consider not to place a dividing screen in their bedroom.

Crystal obediently dolled up in different dresses and gowns for him. He wouldn't deny he loved the little show like a broken puzzle through the small gaps of the wooden screen and the way she changed quickly being shy and timid.

Sometimes she struggled with zips, hooks and ribbon bodices but she didn't ask for help even once. She would take her time, go slow and steady to dress herself up. 

He would steal glances but never in an obnoxiously obvious way. Her little figure clad in just a piece of white lace undergarment was something he would like to enjoy alone in a full view. It was meant for only his eyes.

He had more plans for her but only when they are done with this little fascinating show.

It was now time for that one section of clothing he knew she would be too shy to try - the nightwear.



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