"Hey, Bill!" They watched with interest as two specks of light did a small turn around their feet. "Doctor."

He seemed very busy arguing with Daanish so Bill decided to follow these strange little things as they led outside, not being able to resist temptation. A short lived chase because ice turned opaque due to snow.

"Get out!" The Doctor slid on ice, forcibly ejected by a very angry vendor, nearly knocking over a lady acrobat.

"Oh! In theory! I could steal anything in theory!" His voice fell on deaf ears as he walked back to his girls, one looking confused and her company slightly exasperated.

"Doctor." Ophelia's voice seemed to chide him slightly while Bill remained in her state of confusion.

"Honestly, some people. More pie?" No one could keep from smiling before they once again began to tread between tents.

A handmaiden's training included everything one could ask for but nothing compared to hands on experience. Though it had been forced upon, Lia (as Bill began to call her) chose to cherish these two idiots who seemed prone to thickness of mind and sarcasm.

"Are there side-effects to time travel? Like, physical symptoms?" Bill asked in earnest hoping for an answer. Aliens, those things can only be from out of this planet. Or maybe some very weird human.

They stopped in front of a carriage so the Doctor could look deep into Bill's eyes.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Sometimes you see lights under the ice." That earned him an elbow to his side from Ophelia.

"Okay, so you've seen the lights." Bill inquired as their walk resumed.

"Of course." His tone indicated that he too had hoped for a normal day instead of more trouble.

"Well, why didn't you say something?" People must have been so tired of this strange trio that stopped right where they were just for dramatic effects.

"Well, you're enjoying yourselves." He raised his hands as if saying not my fault while giving them a perfectly good reason. "I assumed we'd get to work eventually."

For a few minutes there was nothing but sounds of a unaware crowd serving as a soundtrack to their searching, not even Ophelia's enhanced vision could catch a glimpse of green under all of the snow. This simple action brought back memories of searching for missing toys or important documents, as always (when auto pilot took over) her thoughts let themselves out of her mouth without permission.

"Now, are these lights electric or organic?" The other two turned back to her, having walked a little further ahead.

"Organic lights?" Bill questioned to whoever wanted to answer.

"Bio luminescence." The Doctor offered. "Fireflies, glow-worms..."

A girl that looked like a younger version of Bill wrapped in a large shawl approached them, holding up a dog collar and lead.

"Please, sir. Have you seen my dog? He was right here, but then I looked away and he disappeared." Though it seemed true enough, Ophelia knew it was a trick.

"It's okay, we'll help. Um, what does he look like?" Bill's kindness shone through, denuinely concerned.

"He's small and brown and ever so soft." Each word sounded rehearsed, like lines in a play. That's it.

"Are you sure of that?" The Doctor used his right hand to push back his coat while examining the collar with his left one. "That collar's for a big dog. With long white hair." He straightened up and smiled. "Nice con, though. Respect."

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