You Are Mine - Part 3

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Lisa's POV


I diverted my eyes away from my luggage to where Chipmunk is.

"So?" I repeated her word, confuse.

"You and Jennie, huh?" She said suspiciously.

I gulped and returned my attention to what I'm previously doing.

"W-What do you mean? T-There's nothing going on." I reasoned out.

She scoffed.

"Just make sure it's nothing Lisayah, remember she's currently in a relationship. You'll be hurt if you pursue something more than being her friend." Chipmunk reminded.

I heaved a sigh.

"Don't be ridiculous Chipmunk, even if she's single there will never be us, she's the school's queen and I'm me, a nerd. No one will date me, specially her." I defended.

I stiffened when Chaeng kneeled down in front of me. I'm currently seating on the floor with my clothes and luggage by the way. She cupped my face making me face her again.

"You maybe a nerd, but believe me, if I say, a hot one." She said sincerely that I know made me blush. This girl never failed to boost my confidence, that's why when she told me they will migrate to other country it made me scared terribly, I don't know how to live without her by my side, she is my wall, my rock but being the angel that she is, she never failed to reassured me how awesome and great I am despite our distance and eventually even she's far her encouraging words kept me going, until know it keeps me going.

I lift my right hand and hold her hand that currently cupping my face and gave it a gentle squeezed.

"I'm really glad that you're here now Chipmunk." I said smiling fondly at her.

"I'm glad too Lisayah, so do me a favor, okay? Chin up. Don't let anyone abuse your good heart. There are lots of fish in the sea, you just need to widen your world. Besides love life is not the only source of happiness." She added.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yeah! Yeah! Says by the girl who just transferred in my school like a month ago but dating already." I teased.

"Yah?! Who said I'm dating?" She defended but her blushing state deceived her.

I raised my brow.

"Fine! But that's not dating, I mean, not yet? We're just ah, you know, getting to know each other." She stuttered.

"That's the same, you guys are dating to know more about each other, yeah?" I teased.

She pouted.

"Whatever Manoban, be quick though, they'll be here any minute now." She informed that made me wonder.

"Huh? They'll fetch us?" I asks the obvious.

"Uhuh! Apparently that's Jennie's idea, I think? Jisoo Unnie said that it will be hard for us to drive that long so much better if we'll just go there together." Chipmunk explained and as if on cue we heard car horns from outside indicating they're here.

"Great." I mumbled as I look down to my half finished luggage.

Maybe Chipmunk noticed my reaction so she patted my shoulder before getting up.

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