FAME - Part Two

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After a month

"Hello Love? Where are you?" I currently waiting Jennie because she said we'll having a dinner date after a month of being away from each other. She got her dream role and became super busy. Its a love story series that's why her schedule is very hectic. Her manager restricted us in seeing each other since it may affect her blooming career. Though there was already hearsay and buzz about our real status before when she's still a model, we never confirmed it and its not a big deal at all because there's a lot of models that been in a same sex relationship but unlike that acting is different, it should be exclusive between a man and a woman. In this case she and her leading man. I trusted Jennie, I know that she loves me.

"Sh*t! Baby I'm sorry. Ahm can we meet at my condo instead? Kai invited me for a dinner and my manager heard that so she's the one decided for me. It slips in my mind that we have a scheduled dinner. I'm idiot. Arghh!" Jennie exclaimed in the other line. Though I'm disappointed because I waited for three fvcking hours, I decided to let this one go. I felt her frustrations as well and again I trust my girl.

"Yah! Don't say that baby, its okay. I'm on my way to your condo. Who will bring you there by the way?" I asked concerned.

"Ahm its Kai baby, I ahm, I told to my driver that he can head home already since Kai volunteered to bring me home." She said nervously, maybe she's thinking I might get jealous.

"Oh, see you then baby. Take care." I said a bit cold.

"Yes Love, you too take care. I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I said lacking with emotions

No one knows except Jennie's manager that she's in relationship specially with a girl as well. We agreed because we don't want to be in a lime light as well. At first I thought nothing will change, it will be just like one of her modeling events but I was wrong, it took lots of Jennie's time. For a month after she signed the contract this is the first time will be seeing each other and it sucks. Im not used to this, before every time I miss her I can easily dropped by to her condo or even at work but now we can't simply do that because there's a lot of eyes watching.

I was interrupted with my thoughts when her condo's front door open. I'm about to run to her to welcome her for a big hug but I stopped when I saw that she's not alone.

"Lisa. Good you're already here. I brought Kai here, he'll use comfort room." Jennie walked towards me and gave my cheek a quick peck.

"Oh, ahm, hi Kai, I'm Lisa." I said to the man in front of me and extended my hand for a handshake which he willingly accepted.

"Hi! Nice to finally meet you. Nini here talked about you a lot." He said energetically. I can't help but to scrutinize him. He's taller than me obviously but my height is a big advantage for a girl. I admit that he's good looking but I know at the end of the day Jennie will always be mine. Right?

"Ehem! Kai? Feel at home, you know the way to comfort room right?" Jennie said sweetly. This tone of her was familiar to me because its the tone she's using when she's trying to be extra adorable since she's always be adorable to me. Seeing that she's doing it to other person, caused ache in my heart.

"Ah yeah. Hahaha." Kai said laughing.

Both of us left in the living room.

I avoid Jennie's eyes. My eyes might betrayed me. But she do have different plan. She quickly cupped my face and kiss me in the lips, its like a millisecond. After that I can't help but to looked at her reaction only to see that she's grinning at me. I'm not sure if I read her lips right but she said that I'm cute if I'm jealous.

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