Chapter 14 - First Dance

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Kaycee's POV:

I pull up to the studio and look at the time. 4:15 pm. Great. I have 15 minutes to spare. I lock my car and walk through the glass doors into the building. I go to the reception area and sign in and then make my way upstairs to the studio. 

I hear a ding and look down to see that I have a notification on my phone.

Unknown Number 4:20 Rehearsal is in Studio 2.

Oh. Okay then. I ask the lady in the reception where Studio 2 was and she gave me the instructions. I thanked her and made my way over to the studio. When I reached Studio 2 I saw that there was literally no one in there. Guess I'm here WAY too early. I changed into my dance shorts and decided to stretch for a bit. 

After a while I checked the time and saw that it was 4:45. Where is everybody?? I decided to sit outside the studio to see if anyone was on their way to rehearsal. 

This day just got weird.

Charlize's POV:

I walked through the doors of the studio and signed myself in. I looked at the doors through which Studio 1 was with longing. I sighed and thought about my dance-off with Kaycee. I'm not mad that she won. I mean, she's an amazing dancer. But, the fact that she even got to audition in the first place was a little unsettling. 

I shake the negative thoughts off and make my towards Studio 2. Today was my first day as  a B-trouper and I was here a bit early so I could have the studio for myself for a bit. As I'm walking through the hallway, I see a girl sitting on the floor.


"Oh hi. Charlize right."

"Yeah. What are you doing here?" She isn't supposed to be here. And she is VERY late to rehearsal which probably started half an hour ago.

"Well, I got a text saying rehearsal was in Studio 2. But I don't really see anyone."

What? I wonder who told her that. 

"What?! No. Who told you that? A-troupe rehearsals are always in Studio 1."

She looks at me confused and then shakes her head.

"It doesn't matter really. Actually, I've been meaning to apologize." She tells me.

"Apologize? For what?" She hasn't done anything wrong to me as far as I can remember.

"For taking your spot in A-troupe." What? I did not expect this at all. She is the sweetest. I mean don't tell anyone but she is actually kind and caring.

"Don't worry about it. It's not your fault you know."

"Yeah. But I wanted to apologize anyway."

I smile at her and say, "Thank you Kaycee. And uhm, listen, just be careful around Tati and her squad. They aren't the nicest people out there."

"Yeah. Don't worry. I better get going." She says and picks up her bag. "I'll see you around Char."

"Yeah. Bye Kaycee."

With a smile on my face, I make my way into Studio 2.

Tati's POV:

Right now we are all in Studio 1 stretching and warming up for our first day of rehearsal. I look around and see that everyone was here except Kaycee. A smirk comes on to my face when I remember the stunt Tahani pulled earlier.

"What's got you smirking like that?" Tahani asks sporting a smirk of her own.

"You know, I was just thinking about what you did earlier. And what an amazing friend you are." I tell giving her a big bear hug.

"Your welcome girl!!! Besides someone had to do something." She tells me. Just then Kate and Chris come into the studio and I look at the time, 4:50. Kaycee is in ALOT of trouble.

"Alright dancers listen up. We need to start preparing for Regionals. Alright? Now Befor-" Kate was telling us before she got cut off by Chris.

"Uhm excuse me Kate, but has anyone seen Kaycee?"

Everyone looks around confused but since I knew where she was I said, "No. Haven't seen her. She's really late though." 

"Uhm okay. I'll look into it later. As I was saying, we are going to Regionals this year and-" Kate was telling us until she was cut off AGAIN this time by the doors opening of Studio 1.

All of us turn to see what had happened and you will not believe who came through the studio doors.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I-I I got lost." Kaycee says looking at Kate and Chris.

"I know your new and everything Kaycee but this can't happen again." Kate tells her.

"EVER again." I add on

"Thank you Tati." Chris says.

"As I was saying, We are going to regionals and this means that we need a new dance captain."

When Kate said the words Dance Captain, I felt proud. I was the dance captain of A troupe for the past 2 years and this was going to be my third year. If your wondering why no one else got a chance to be captain or something is because I'm the best. There is no one who is better at leading the team than me.

"Well, then I think we should just vote and get it over with." I tell them.

"Actually we wanted to do something different this year. And we are going to change things up a bit." Chris says.

WHAT?!!! This is absolutely HORRIBLE. How could they do this. We have always done things like this. Why are they changing it up now??!!!!

"What!!? What do you mean??" I ask them.

"Well, we wanted to see what else was out there and to give the chance to someone else." Chris tells me.

What the actual fudge? They were changing the rules for one new girl? What is going on??? I turn to glare at Kaycee while Kate says, "What about you Kaycee? Would you like to try out to be the dance captain of our studio?"

We all turn to her and she visibly gulped.

This is going to be a long day.

And I'm not going to back down without a fight.

AN: What's up guys!!!!! I hope you all enjoyed this kinda long chapter. I'm trying my best to upload and write new chapter's for you guys. And honestly the thing that got me to finish this chapter a tad bit earlier was the fact that Moving On just crossed 1k reads!!!!!! What the heck??!! You guys are incredible and I'm super thankful for each and everyone of you. I think that by the next chapter or two we can reach a 100 votes. Because if we do then that would be INCREDIBLE.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you did don't forget to vote and comment down below because there is a storm brewing!!!! 

Also a very Happy Eid Mubarak to all those celebrating, including myself.🎊🎊🎉🎉💞

Until next time, xx


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