Chapter 9 - Dance-offs

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Sean's POV:

The dance-offs have been great so far. Kate and Chris picked out the first name and it was Tati. Obviously she won and she picked the next member. It was Josh against this  new B trouper. Josh was amazing, as usual and he was voted to be on the team. He picked the next person.

"Uhm, Sean." He said looking at me. Guess it's my turn. He takes another chit from the other box and says, "Chloe." I don't really know who she is but judging on the looks of Tati and Tahani, I guess she was one of their friends. Oh well. Time to get this over with.

The music starts and I do my routine. I didn't care about anything but the music and my dancing. Some how doing the whole 'sweet spot' thing with Kaycee made it really easy for me to concentrate and focus on my dancing. I could literally feel myself moving or melting to the music. Once I was done, everyone erupted into applause. I smiled and walked off to get my water bottle. I look at Kaycee and mouth 'Thank you'. She smiles as if to say ' I told you it would work' and winked at me. Chloe danced pretty great too but she wasn't as good as me and so everyone voted for me. I went to the box and picked up a chit.

"Charlize... and.." I pick a chit from the other box "....Kaycee." I look up. Oh God. They are both really amazing dancers. I honestly don't know who's going through. The music starts and Charlize starts dancing. Sh'e a great dancer but she looks nervous and it was really affecting her dancing. Once she was done, Kaycee went to the middle of the stage. 

She took a deep breath and the music started. Damn. I can't even describe how amazing she is. I mean she is really focused and determined and her dance just depicts that. Her movements are precise and at the same time has a sort of fluidity to it that only she can do. She has this passion and drive in her and you can really tell that she wants this really bad. She finishes her solo by standing in front of Charlize (AN: The video that I put up is Kaycee's Solo) 

"That was amazing dancers. Now we have to vote. All those who vote for Charlize please put your hands up." I look around and see that Tati and her group of friends have all raised their hands. 

"Alright, all those in favour of Kaycee please put your hand up." I along with Josh, Julian and almost many other dancer put our hands up. Kaycee clearly had majority. 

"Well, looks like Kaycee has majority." Kate says. "Well both of you are incredible dancer but we're going to have to go with Kaycee. I'm sorry Charlize." She hugs her and then Charlize runs out of Studio A.

"Well, congratulations Kaycee!!! Welcome to A troupe." Kate says and goes to give her a hug.

"Thank you so much!!!" She says and she comes over to us. She runs and hugs me which caught me off guard but I hugged back anyway. It felt right to have her in my arms. 

"Congrats Kayc!! You were incredible." I tell her pulling away. 

"Thanks Sean. That's the power of Sweet Spots!!" She says and I chuckle at her.

The rest of the dancers continue the dance-offs and by the end we finally have our A Troupe. I t was quite different than last year but I think this might be the year that The Next Step finally wins Regionals!!

As the dance-offs get over Kate calls us to the middle. "Nicely done dancers. You all did very well and I'm very proud of each and everyone of you. Now, as we all know, we are planning on going to Regionals this year. And that means hard work. It's going to take blood, sweat and tears to win regionals and I know that all of you are capable in doing so. I expect nothing but a 100% from you guys. All right???" 

"Yes Miss Kate." we all reply.

"Okay. You guys can head home now and I expect you guys to be here tomorrow afternoon at 4 pm" She informs us and goes into her office. We go to take our bags and I see Kaycee on her phone talking to someone.

"Hey guys!!!!" Ken says walking up to us. "Are you guys coming to Josh's party?" he asks.

Josh was this other guy at school. He always threw parties on weekends.

"Yeah we'll be there." Julian says. I don't really like these parties but I go just to keep my reputation and be on good terms with Josh. I see Kaycee about to leave and I run to catch up with her while Josh and Julian talk to Ken. 

"Hey Kaycee!! Wait up!!" 

"Oh hey Sean! What's up."

"Well I was wondering if I could have your number. You know so we can stay in touch."            Wait. WHAT??!! Why did I say that.

"Okay. I mean I am going to see you tomorrow but sure. Give me your phone." She tells me. God I am so stupid. I give her my phone and she types her number in.

"Here you go Sean. See you around." she says and she goes to Bailey who seems to be waiting for her.

I go to the guys with a smile on my face.

What just happened?

AN: That's another chapter!!! I hope you guys liked it. I'm sorry it took me some time to upload this chapter but I've been busy doing things and writing this got a little left behind. But don't worry, I will definitely write more. 

So A troupe is finally made!!!! And it has all my favorite people!!!! Can't wait for this!!! Make sure you guys vote and comment down below what you guys think of this chapter.

Until next time, xx


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