Chapter 7 - Unfair Circumstances

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Kaycee's POV:

Yes!! I made it to the next round!!! The next round was dance-offs and I would be competing with a dancer who was on the team last year to get my spot on the team. I didn't exactly see the other dancers here so I'm a bit nervous to say the least. We have some time before the dance offs so I decided to head to this really cute cafe downstairs. It's in the same building so that makes it very convenient. I texted Delaney a few minutes ago and she wasn't done with auditions yet so looks like alone for now.

I ordered a cold pink lemonade and went and sat on one of the bar stools. I was on my phone when I saw a girl from the auditions come sit next to me. 

"Hi, I'm Bailey. Is it okay if I sit here?" 

"Yeah sure. I'm Kaycee. Nice to meet you Bailey."

"Nice to meet you too. Your audition was insane. Which studio are you from anyway?" 

"Thanks. I'm not from any studio actually. In fact this is the first ever studio I auditioned at." I tell her.

"Wait. Really!! But your amazing. I think your gonna get a spot on A troupe this year." she tells me.

"Awww Thanks. What about you?? Which studio are you from?" I ask her

"What do you mean?? I was in B troupe last year and this year I auditioned for A troupe."

"I'm sorry, but what exactly is B troupe?" 

"Well, here at The Next Step we have 3 dance troupes. We have A troupe which is the highest of them all and compete at major competitions like Regionals, then there's B troupe which is more of the recreational kids and J troupe or Junior troupe. Normally at the studio, we only allow B and J troupe students to audition for A troupe. But I guess Kate and Chris saw something in you and you got to audition." she tells me

What!!?? I didn't know that you had to be in the studio for more than a year to be in A troupe. I wouldn't have auditioned in the first place. And Alex told me that it was an open audition. No wonder everyone was looking at me weird. This isn't right. I should have earned my spot. Not gotten it just like that. It's not fair on the others. I have to talk to Kate and Chris about this.

"Hey Bailey. Sorry. But I don't think it was right of me to barge in and audition when clearly everyone else had to work towards getting an audition. So I'm just gonna go upstairs and talk to Kate and Chris and figure something out. I'll talk to you later yeah." I tell her grabbing my dance bag from the floor.

"Wait. Kaycee hold on a minute. Your gonna undo your audition?? That's really mature of you. But at the same time you did amazing and I think that the team has an actual shot at regionals this year." She tells me.

"Thanks Bails. But it wasn't right. That's why I'm gonna go and talk to them about it. But hey, why don't you give me your number and I'll call you and let you know." 

"Yeah sure." We exchange numbers and I go upstairs to the dance studio. I make my way to Kate's office and knock on the door.

Kate's POV:

"Excuse me, Miss Kate? Is it okay if I come in?" I look up from my computer and see Kaycee standing at the door 

"Kaycee!! Yeah sure. Take a seat. Congratulations on making it to the next round of auditions. Chris and I were both very impressed with your solo." I tell her. And it's true. She has an amazing style of dance and I really think that she will be a great asset to the team.

"Thank you. That really means a lot. That's actually what I came to talk to you about." she tells me. I look at Chris confused and he asks her, "What's wrong Kaycee?"

"Well, you see, I was down at the cafe with Bailey and she was telling me how you only allow B and J troupe students to audition for A troupe. And it got me thinking about the fact that I literally barged in and you let me audition. Don't get me wrong, I really am grateful for the opportunity but I really don't think it's fair for the other dancers since they had to earn their audition." She tells us.

Wow!! I really am blown away by her honesty and sincerity. Most kids wouldn't have given it a second thought let alone come and talk to us. But here she was not only letting us know about it but also feeling guilty because it wasn't fair on others. So I tell her,

"Kaycee, you are an incredible dancer and your solo proved it. We wouldn't have made you through to the next round if you weren't good enough. Yes dancers here have to earn their spot. But the fact that you got to know that and you thought it wasn't right because it wasn't fair for others proves that you too deserve a shot at A troupe. So don't worry, you deserved that audition and you deserve getting through to the next round." I tell her. 

"Yeah and to be honest Kaycee, here at The Next Step we want you dancers to have fun and do what you love to do. And we do value honesty and sincerity a lot so I'm glad you came to us." Chris tells her.

"Thank you. Really you have no idea how relieved I feel. I felt really bad at the beginning but now it's like a weights off my shoulder." She says with a smile.

The other dancers come in. Looks like its time for the dance offs. 

"I better get going. I have to stretch and stuff. Thank you again both of you for this opportunity. I really appreciate it." She says.

"Your most welcome. Don't let us down." I tell her and she goes out.

I look through the window which shows the dance floor in front of me with all the dancers stretching and warming up and a smile comes across my face

This is going to be our year

AN: There you go you guys!!! Another chapter. In this chapter we had a little bit of Miss Kate's POV which I really liked writing. She is a fun character on the show and I hope that I did it justice.

I really hope you guys are enjoying the book so far. I have huge plans for it and I can't wait for it to come out and for you guys to read it. But on another note, I would really love to know your guys opinion on this book so far. I want to know how you guys are liking it and if you think there should be any changes to the plot or anything like that. I just want an interaction between us. 

Don't forget to like and vote (I really don't know whats the difference though.) and also COMMENT down below.

Until next time, xx


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