Chapter 11 - The girl on top of the hill.

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Sean's POV: 

Ugh!! Stupid Alarm. Now I can't go back to sleep. Might as well go for a run. I go to my closet and pick out some running clothes. I grab my Airpods from my desk and go downstairs. Everyone else was asleep but they would wake up soon. I go outside and close the door behind me.

I loved going for a jog in the morning. It made me calm and focused. Whenever I jog in the morning the rest of my day goes really well. I jogged for almost an hour and then decided to take a little detour. There was this spot up a hill where you could see the entire city. The path that leads to this spot is almost hidden and you could easily miss it if you didn't see properly. 

As I reach the spot, I notice a girl sitting on the edge. I'm a bit confused because no one ever came here. It was like my secret hiding spot. Wait a minute. She looks kinda familiar. Kaycee?


"Sean? What are you doing here??" She asks me standing up.

"Well, I was on a morning run and I came to my secret hiding spot." Way to sound like a kid Sean!!

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know it was your spot. Don't worry, I get why you'd keep this place a secret. I'll just get going." She says.

"No. Stay. I mean you don't have to go. You shared the sweet spots thing with me. So it's only fair that I share my secret hiding spot with you." I tell her.

"Are you sure though?? I don't wanna intrude."

"Yea. I'm sure. Come on." I motion her to sit with me on the edge where she had been seated before. She comes and sits next to me in a way that our legs were right next to each other.

"It's so peaceful out here." She says looking at the now rising sun.

"Yeah. I usually come down here whenever I want to escape reality. It helps me calm down and recollect."

"I would too. I mean look at that sunrise." We sit in silence for sometime until my phone's alarm rings. She looks down at my phone with a confused expression.

"Why did you keep an alarm?" 

"Well it's a bit weird. But whenever I go jogging I lose track of time and I have something really important to do today and I can't miss it so I decided to keep an alarm." I tell her shrugging my shoulders

"Oh okay. What is so important that you had to keep an alarm for? If you don't mind me asking." 

I contemplate on whether I should tell her or not. I mean it's not a secret or anything but I try to not tell anyone about it. The thing is I make breakfast for an old age home nearby on the weekends. I always liked cooking and I wanted to do something which would help others and I thought of this. I've been doing this for about 2 months now and I couldn't be more happier. There's something about seeing all the elderly eat food that I made. In the end I decide to tell her anyway. I knew she wouldn't judge me so there was nothing to lose.

"Hold up. You cook for the elderly every weekend??" She asks and I nod. "Sean that's amazing!! That is like the sweetest thing ever. I wish I could do something like that." 

I think about it for a second and then say, "Well you can help me if you want?"

Her eyes widened at that and it was kinda cute, "Are you sure?" I nod again. "Of course I'd like to help. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She jumps in excitement. I chuckle at her and say,

"Well, we better get going then." I stand up and help her up. We walked back to my house. The walk back home was so much fun Kaycee is probably the most funniest person ever. We watch the same shows and it's kinda weird but we almost know what the other one is going to say in a sorta telepathic way. We reach my home and Kaycee turns to me,

"Wait. What's your last name?" I look at her confused. "I want to know what to call your parents. Mr and Mrs......?" 

"Lew. My name is Sean Lew"  

She smiles at me. " Nice to meet you Sean Lew. I'm Kaycee Rice."

"Nice to meet you too Miss Rice." She giggles at this and I unlock the door.

This was going to be interesting.

AN: Heyyy guyss!! So, long time no see. I truly apologize for that. My life has been a tad bit crazy these past few days and I didn't get the time to write this next chapter. And also it is the Holy month of Ramadan and that means that I won't be able to update as much as I'd like. I'm really very sorry about that. I will try and update as much as possible but I can't make any promises. 

I hope all of you are safe and healthy and are doing well at home. It is important to stay inside as much as possible and take all the measures to stay safe. A far away relative of mine recently died and he had the coronavirus but he recovered and died of two continuous heart attacks. He has really tiny kids and it really is sad seeing their condition.  

Also, this chapter, if you can't tell already is inspired by Sean's new video. He is the sweetest person ever and I genuinely think that we all need a Sean in our lives. He continues to inspire so many people worldwide and I cannot wait to see what he does next. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and again I really am sorry I didn't update sooner. But like I said I don't know when I will be updating next. Make sure you guys like, vote and comment down below. 

Until next time, xx


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