Chapter 4 - The Audition.

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Kaycee's POV:

I wake up to the sun shining through the bay window. I really need to get curtains. I look at the clock on my nightstand and see that its 10 in the morning.  10 in the morning?? But I kept my alarm for 8:30. Groaning I get up and make my way to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I grab my phone and go downstairs to get some breakfast. 

"Morning Dee!!" I say walking in to the kitchen. "Hmm smells great in here. You-" I stopped mid-sentence 'cause I didn't see my sister. Instead I saw two guys cooking breakfast on the stove. 

"Who the hell are you guys and where is my sister." I glared at them.

"Woah! Chill out baby sis, they are my friends, Josh and Alex." Delaney says walking from behind me. The two guys look at me and then one of them came towards me.

"Hey. You must be Kaycee. I'm Alex Chung" He says putting his hand forward for me to shake. I shake hands with him warily and the other guy "Josh" I presume came to do the same.

"Delaney told us a lot about you." Josh says while going back to the stove. 

"Well I haven't heard about you guys nor did I know y'all were coming this morning." I tell them. Then, I realised how rude I sounded so I said, "Sorry, I din't mean to be rude. I din't wake up early enough and I really need some tea."

They nodded and I went and made some tea and sat down. Josh then brought me a plate filled with eggs, sausage and toast. I look up to him and ask, " For me?"

"Yeah. A growing girl needs her food." He tells me with a smile.

"Your my new best friend!!" I exclaim and grab a fork and start to stuff my mouth. "Mmmmm. This so good" I groan. The other laugh and start to eat their food.

"So Delaney, did you decide to audition??" Alex asks. Audition??! For what??

"Not really Alex. I'm not sure yet." she tells them. What is she talking about??!

"Come on Dee. It will be great for your career. Besides all the competitions we go to will give you exposure and experience you need." Josh tells her. Competitions?? Exposure??

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" I ask looking around.

"Alex and Josh have asked me to audition for a spot on a competition team" Delaney tells me.

"Competition team?? But Dee, you never did competitions with teams before." 

"I know Kayc. But apparently they think I would be great on a team. Besides we will still go to classes together but I think i should try it out." She tells me but she doesn't sound very sure about doing it.

"Dee, you are an amazing dancer and you'll do great wherever you are. So this 'team' will be super lucky to have you. And on top of that we can always go to classes like you said. I think you should go for it." I reassure her.

"Really?" She asks me. I nod my head. She looks at the boys and tells them, " Well then, I guess I'm auditioning for A-troupe." 

The guys cheer and I smile. She looks happy and to be honest I feel happy.

"Kaycee what about you? What are you planning on doing?" Josh asks me.

I look at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"Delaney told me that you dance too and if you go to classes with her you must be amazing too. So what are your plans now that you are here." 

To be honest I didn't really think about it. I mean I thought I would attend classes during the week but other than that I don't really have any plans. 

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