Chapter 2 - That Asian Kid

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After having lunch at Chipotle, we head out to go grocery shopping. We pull into this place called Ralph's and head out. We go inside and get a cart.

"Why don't we split up? We'll finish up faster." Dee suggests.

"Sure." I headed to the cereal section and got some cereal. After getting a few items, I went to the soups and sauces section. I got some canned soup and I went on to get some salsa. I saw this guy who was almost as old as I was  debating between the spicy and extra spicy Sriracha sauce. Intrigued, I went closer to him.

"Who takes this long to choose between spicy and extra spicy sriracha?" I asked him.

"Well it changes the flavour profile drastically of any dish." he replied 

"You know your food so I guess more power to you." 

"Yeah well I like cooking so I guess you could say that. But I can't seem to perfect this recipe I've been working on." he tells me.

"Hmm. Well maybe I can help you. What are you cooking?"

"Well Chicken Parmesan basically. But I tried taking it up a notch that's why i want a good sauce but i can't seem to choose." 

"Okay. Well knowing chicken, people don't really use sriracha" I said leaning over to grab the salsa "but in my experience, Salsa mixed with a little bit of Habenero sauce makes a great dressing." 

"Salsa and Habenero sauce? why didn't I think of that?" he says amazed. "Thank you. Really this helps a lot."

"Your welcome. Glad i could help." I said and walked away.

I caught up with Delaney and we headed to the cashier and paid for our stuff. We took all our bags and loaded the trunk. This time Delaney got in the drivers seat and to be honest I was a bit tired so I let her drive. 

We got home and unloaded the groceries and put them in their respective places in the kitchen and I went upstairs to my room and continued to unpack. After I was about halfway through I decided to take a break and sat on the window seat and went through my phone. I decided to call my best friend Charlize back home.

"Hey Char!!"

"Kayceee!!!! Oh my gosh!! I miss you soo much!! When are you coming home??!!"

"Char!! Calm down!! I just got here char. I miss you too though."

"I know Kayc. It's soo boring here without out you."

"You'll be fine. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."

"You will not believe what Dylan did today!!" Dylan was our other best friend.

We spoke for a bit. I din't realize how much i missed her. I continued unpacking while talking to her and by dinner time I was done. I decided to take a quick shower before dinner and so I grabbed my shower gel, shampoo and conditioner and went to the bathroom. I decided that I was going to set my bathroom tomorrow as well as my desk and my vanity. I also needed some canvases to paint some artwork to hang in my new room.

After my shower, I went downstairs to help Delaney with dinner. But turns out she didn't need it because she was paying the pizza guy.

"I ordered pizza for dinner. I was too lazy to cook." She told me bringing in the pizza box into the kitchen

"That's okay. I think the jet lag is seeping in." I assured her while grabbing a plate and putting two slices of pizza on it with some salad. I made myself a glass of coke and went to the living room. I put on Netflix and Dee joined me on the couch.

We ate dinner and watched some friends, my all time favorite show. After a while I grew tired so I put my dishes in the dishwasher and went upstairs to brush my face and do my skincare. After that I went into Delaney's room to wish her goodnight.

"Night Dee. I love you."

"Goodnight Kayc. Sweet dreams. I love you too."

I went back into my room and set my alarm for the next day, I like waking up early. I plugged my phone to my charger and set it on my nightstand. I switched off the lights and nestled into my comfy blanket and sleep came to me like a tidal wave.   

AN: That's chapter 2!!!!! This was fun to write. Also I don't know if there is a store called Ralph's in LA, but i went with it anyway. I wonder who the confused guy was tho?? Comment down below who you guys think it was. Also if you have any plot ideas you guys wanna share feel free to do so.

xoxo HBI

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