Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Dr. Vincent is not here today." Miss. Cathy said.

"I know," I said, placing my purse upon the counter top. "I am here to see Dr. Archer..." I said.

She gazed at her computer for a second or two the looked up at me. "Yes, you can sit there for a minutes and I will tell him that your here." She said with a smile.

I sat in a waiting chair in the lobby watching Fox News for 20 minutes until the nurse, Mrs. Cathy called from her desk. "He's ready for you, Rosalyn."

I nodded my head at her then walked back to the room.

"He will be with you in just a few." She said, shutting the door.

I looked around the room. It had a high rectangular window, a long counter with a sink with medical supplies along each side of it. A rolling chair was placed besides the long dark green couch and the walls where painted forest dark green to match it.

20 minutes passed and I heard a voice muffling, but was clear enough to hear and it was right outside my door.

"Tell Miss.Conaway that I will schedule an appointment next Friday at 3:15 p.m." said a gravely voice.

"Yes, Dr. Archer." said a female voice.

He chuckled then said, "Alright, I better go see the next patient. I'm filling in for Dr. Vincent today." He said.

The female giggled and said, "Alright."

The jiggling of the door knob sounded and turned, he left the door half-way open, just opened enough that I saw his crow feet corner at the end of his eyes and his pearly white smile as he grinned at the petite 5'10 foot nurse who had curly brown hair and fair skin.

Once she walked off, he opened the door the rest of the way to reveal a tall but bulky body, a 5 o'clock shadow and a blonde  mustache and go tee, his hair was blonde just like his mustache, but his roots were dark brown.

When he entered, we was looking straight down at the clipboard. "Okay, Rosalyn..." He paused then looked at me and my appearance.

A sly smile danced upon his lips. "Well... long time no see. Right?"

A huge lump formed in the center of my throat and I could not swallow it.

Oh shit! I thought.

Oh shit was right, because my so-called "therepist" was also my so-called rapist.

My attacker was back, and I believe he is back for good.

A.N.: I bet you guys are jumping up and down because I am still updating this book. So yay!!! I'm glad I have something now for Ch. 15 of Rosalyn. So what did you guys think? Leave your comments below :)

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