Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

As I layed in my bed tossing and turning. Realization dawned on me that I was never going to get comfortable nor be able to sleep. I looked at my clock it was 12:33 a.m. and I am still up.

Tomorrow will be Thursday. And sure enough school for me will be hell bound. I am 99.9% sure that my peers will surely make fun of me by calling me "Rapealyn."

I check my phone for any messages and so far there was none.

I turn on the bed side lamp and picked up my book, Learning Not to Drown and began to read.

When I got in the middle of Ch. 8 of the book. I looked at my alarm clock and realized that it was already 4:15 a.m. I rubbed my eyes, and I blink three times, either 1.) I was took some drugs and I see an image of my attacker in my room. or 2.) This is just a dream.

Hell, if you was up at 4:15 a.m. you would think your on crack to if you was having insane illusions of you attacker, Right? I rubbed my eyes again and the illusions was gone.

"I think I am just going to go to bed." I mumbled, and cut off the lamp light.

"Rosalyn hurry you are going to be late!" My mother called out.

I put on a maroon tank top, a pair of dark ripped jeans, black booties, and to top it off a black leather jacket. I have to say I looked bad ass.

I walked into my bathroom and looked at my makeup that was on my counter top displayed before me.

I reached for my fire truck red lipstick and applied it to my thin lips. I then applied a smoky grey eyeshadow across my lid and peach blush on the apples on my cheeks. I gave my hair a final hair toss and headed down the stairs and into the living room.

I grabbed the keys to the black SUV off the kitchen counter. And then headed out to the garage.

There sat the black SUV, in which I drove to and from school. Hardly I drive anywhere special in the SUV I mean what's the point in it right? I never go to any parties, as you know I'm anti-social.

I unlocked the car door, and stepped inside the vehicle. I closed the door behind me. I ran my hand across the smooth interrior of the steering wheel, tapping my nail on the meter and saw that the gas tank was set on half a tank. Just enough to make it to school.

I cranked the car up. The purring of the motor was brought to life. I pulled out of the garage onto the pavement walkway and out onto the open road heading stright to school.

I pulled up in the parking space next to Jen's Ford Focus.

I stepped out of the car and made my way up the steps of the school, Redmond High. Kids who where talking to friends, were now staring at me. With their pointing of fingers as I walked by and their constitutions fits of giggles and whispers. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the main building to go inside, mumbling "idots" under my breath.

Inside, the hallway was quite, which means that class has started and I was 15 minutes late.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my Phycology binder and book. I then headed to class.

"Who can tell me how the human mind works," Mr. Dax said.

A slender and small pale hand shot up in the back of the classroom.

"Yes, Jo?" Mr. Dax asked.

"Shouldn't the question be why the human mind works? I mean nobody knows what goes through a human's mind. For all we know someone could be plotting revenge in this room right now." She said.

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