Chapter Twenty Five: We Host A Party To Raise The Dead (1)

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Nathan p.o.v:

Time was really the most absurd concept of all.

It was like my day either lasted for thirty two hours, or it was five minutes. It really made me wonder why we bound ourselves to something that didn't even exist outside our minds.

It could be two in the morning on your clock and you're stressing over work, but really who's to say two in the morning was late and you couldn't get it done?
Humans confused me.

Anyway, what I wanted to say was that it was Friday already.

My sister, her friends, and the people I invited would fill my apartment to the brim before the moon was at its crest. So, I really needed to tidy up.

But it could all wait till I got back from work.

I got dressed (shocker, Nathan wore a button down shirt) and mentally prepared myself for the idiocy I was about to deal with as I drove.

The elevator music really was my favourite thing about my own company.

Nobody interrupted the ride this time and I was more than grateful; I had to make a mental to-do list, and I didn't appreciate people hearing me talk to myself.

1) Check the payments and invoices.
2) Get update report from the marketing team.
3) Invite Joshua to be my date for the night.
4) Actually set up the party necessities.

I know, I know. "Nathan how are you taking a date when your boyfriend is dead because of you and you swore to never love anyone again?!" Well, let me teach you a couple things. First, hookups; look em up. Second, wow my childish mockery voice is getting better.

The elevator dinged announcing my arrival.

Going through payments, invoices and taxes was my third favourite thing about work; preceded by tasting the new cocktails and flavours, and of course elevator music.

I didn't really know much about marketing so checking that off my list felt like it took ages, when in reality it was half an hour. See what I meant about time?

"Hey boss."

"James you're almost the only person here that's allowed to call me Nathan, not boss. Why do you not abuse your privileges?" I knew it wasn't that big of a deal but when your best friend called you boss it made you sound less fun. Plus, it irked me.

"Okay then. Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nath-"

"Gosh how annoying can you be?!"

I heard his smile before I even saw it. This kid was a ball of sunshine and I was going to play soccer. "Very. Anyway, did you ask Joshua yet? I'm dying to know if I was right or not."

"Ask me once more and I'll make sure you can't ever ask again. And no, I'm on my way to him right now."

As it turned out, James was right. Joshua gladly accepted my invite.

It was one of the five-minute-days. By the time I left work it was already five. I started prepping as soon as I got home.

Jude p.o.v:

Day after day it became more clear to me that I was friends with the most dramatically idiotic people. Allow me to explain;

First thing I woke up to was cream smudged across my face. Yes, I do mean the chocolate flavoured whipped cream you put on cakes.

Going out my room and down the stairs there were post notes everywhere. Like EVERYWHERE. I plucked some off the wall and soon concluded all of them were things I did that my friends considered to be weird.

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