Chapter Eleven: Demons Play Monopoly.

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Nathan p.o.v:

Today had to be a good day.

No. It was the third best day in my life.

I was finally going to get my dear beloved sister, then rip her to shreds.

Do not think of me as an insane impulsive fool blinded by revenge for I held none of those traits. Jude had it coming the moment she lost our mother.

The breeze hit my body as soon as I rolled out of bed and I lowly wished I could go back.

I dragged myself downstairs, brewed a cup of coffee and prepared a bowl of alphabet cereal, then plopped down to dig in.

The first spoon I dug out held the letters E,G,N,O. I smashed it to the wall.

My hand wrapped around the whiskey bottle seated on my counter and poured a hefty amount into my coffee then took a big gulp on my way to my room to dress.

Choosing an outfit was not a hard thing to do when all you wore was tuxedos or black button ups, so I just grabbed whatever my hand held first then got dressed and headed out.

The institute looked as it always had. Dull, old and almost homely. The crew greeted me with fake smiles and formal handshakes and I was just buzzing with anticipation to see my sister again.

We went through corridors and rooms where the crew told me stories of the patients, memories of those that got better and those that 'couldn't get through it'. He meant died.

They laughed at some stories and I pretended to show interest and laugh along, thankfully I was surrounded by idiots so I had experience.

Soon enough we circled back around a garden with roses and trees and got back into the admissions department.

I put on the best smile I could muster and spoke to the lady. "You said I could talk to some patients to make sure your treatment helps them. Can I get a list of names to choose from?"

She gave an even brighter smile, though hers was genuine, and told me to wait a moment while she went to grab it.

I was basically bouncing on my heels with excitement when she turned around and the wood of her clipboard brushed against my skin. I pretended to skim through looking for an interesting name and for once the smile was not fake. I pointed at my sister's name and addressed the lady. "Ooh who's this? Jude Hampton. She shares my family name so I must meet with her." I chuckled at her and I felt my eyes blazing with the fire of desire.

The lady laughed along with me and then went on. "Oh yes, the family name is indeed a common thing between you Mr. Hampton, but I'm afraid that's as far as it goes. Her red hair is not close to your blond one and the height is way off." She gestured at my height compared to my midget of a sister. "Let me call Jude for you."

I did not know who said revenge was a bitter thing, but they must have had messed up taste-buds. The thought of my sister being called under my own request to be forced to sit in a room with me and tell me about her life here sent bolts of joy rushing through my blood. I was like a kid at the park for the first time.

A few minutes of waiting and my joy was boiling down and the anger was setting in. I was not going to wait around for them to dethrone her. I would flip whatever she'd built over her head if it came to it.

Thankfully the nurse came in just as I was turning to go look for them myself.

Her smile was grim and anxious, unlike the warm one she'd given earlier.

I forced myself to remain calm. "Is there a problem?"

"Not at all, but perhaps you'd like to speak with someone else. Jude isn't exactly... stable." She seemed too anxious for it to be just worry.

"Oh, that's perfect." Sound cheerful. Sound cheerful. I kept repeating it in my head.

"It is..?" The lady was confused and her stupidity was only encouraging my anger.

"Yes! It proves how well you guys can deal with the patients. Bring her to me."

She looked around her, ready to accept help from anything and this point and my thoughts turned to "Don't kill her. Don't kill her."

"Mr. Hampton, I'm sorry but Jude is not present."

She was practically begging me to kill her.

"What do you mean not present?" My anger slipped through my words and I saw the lady take a step back.

"I mean she's not here. Listen this place is really good and I swear we help people and we just need-"

I didn't know if it was my glare or the fact that I spoke again that shut her up but I was thankful to both organs that had helped. "You mean to tell me she escaped? You have this place guarded like the fricking Buckingham Palace. How could she have possibly run away?" I was basically yelling at her, and I didn't care because she deserved it.

When the lady spoke again she was exactly one step away from the door and she didn't seem keen on moving closer. "Mr. Hampton we're going through security tapes right now and we'll se-" I left the room before she finished.

The security room was not so far after all, especially when you forced an employee to take you there.

We went through tapes of people crying and screaming in some rooms. Others of them hanging around and laughing. A lot of nurses and patients till finally I found my sister's face walking with four more bodies around it.

I almost pointed at it but stopped myself at the last second when I remembered I was not supposed to know what she looked like.

The guy at the computer zoomed in on the faces of the people in the group and the employee next to me began to name them.

"That's Kai Miller, the nurse responsible for Jude. And those are Adam Reese and Hazel Nutt. But I don't know who that is." She pointed to the man walking alongside them as we watched him order the guard to open the gate, the latter immediately complied.

Computer dude zoomed in on his face and my anger shot straight up when I saw his features.

I immediately left the building.

If dad wanted to play favourites, it was my turn to roll the dice.

Hello humans and other species. I hope you're all doing well and are safe.

Please tell me if you guys liked this chapter, and what you think of the story so far, I'd appreciate it. Also vote and share because it helps a lot.


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