Chapter Ten: Broken Ribs Rupture Our Lungs (2)

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Jude p.o.v:

Processing something and facing it were very different things.

At the moment, I sure as hell could differentiate.

My father stood in front of me clear as day. His green eyes looked into my own and I was sure I could touch him if I tried.

But my mind was running a million miles an hour, trying to rationalise how someone that was very very dead could look so alive.

His voice made me flinch when he spoke and I debated whether it was a distant memory or reality. The latter won when Kai shook me back to focus.

"So Jude, they tell me you've been here quiet some time," he gave me a smile, grabbed a cup of coffee and stirred it as he continued. "Tell me dear, how have you been coping?"

My eyes were on the verge of popping out of their sockets, and I had to count to ten to stop myself from lunging at him with either a hug or punches. How could he be asking how I felt when all I could think of is him? 

Why was he here? How did he get here? What if he was with Nathan? How is he alive? The questions raced so quickly I barely had time to process any.

I realised I must've voiced my thoughts when my dad began speaking once again. "Getting here? Oh that was easy. I know you've been here a while but there's this thing called Uber and it's almost like magi-"

"I know what an Uber is!" I didn't mean to yell but my emotions were not in a state I could've controlled right now, so I dismissed the guilt that had begun to settle.

I took a deep breath then spoke, surprising myself by how calm I sounded when all that boiled inside me was rage and confusion. "I meant how are you alive and well when I saw you dying with my own eyes? Unless death has a new refund rule I don't know of, you're not meant to be here."

I thought it through in my head, then quickly took a step to him and pushed him forcefully. He stumbled backward and my theory of him being an illusion was revoked.

He fixed his shirt and stood upright again as I addressed him. "Okay, no you're real. So tell me how that happened?" I passed my hand in his general direction.

Dad cleared his throat and began to answer my question. "The answer is really simple. You saw me dying, not dead." He emphasised his words and gave me a second to process before he went on. "If my memory serves me right, I remember you leaving me like that."

I scoffed. I could not believe he was holding me responsible for something I did at six years old. "Oh, now I see the resemblance between the both of you. You're both irrational narcissists. I hope that memory of yours also reminds you that I was six years old and was not fond of the damage my oh-so-dear brother inflicted when things didn't go his way." My words sounded just as bitter as I wanted them to.

"Always the impulsive one. You need to learn to think before you jump to your conclusions." He gestured for me to shut up when I tried to speak again and continued. "Listen to me. You asked for an explanation and I'm giving you one." I nodded and he took it as a sign that I agreed. "After you ran, your brother was the one that helped me heal. I would've been what you'd assumed me to be otherwise."

"Cause that makes it better. I spent years blaming myself for your death. I thought I was all alone and all I could do was run. I ran and ran and your precious son followed me wherever I went, intent on killing me. Where were you during all of that? While you were teaching him how to ride his bike I was crossing state borders and learning to steal food off the shelves so I don't starve." I had not realised two things; the first was that my eyes were tearing up. And and the second that I'd began to yell.

By the look on his face, my dad was running out of patience. "I did look for you, but no matter where I went no one seemed to have heard of your name, or seen a little girl with blonde hair and green eyes running around. Now I know why." He pointed his hand in my general direction and I could tell he meant my red hair.

"No, you don't get to turn this around and become the good guy. I was torn and ruptured because of you. I couldn't even think of using spells to save myself."

He sighed and took a step away from me. I did the same.

"Jude, that's all in the past. I'm here now, so let me help you."

The rational part of me decided I had to give him my undivided attention and listen to what he had to offer.

"I'm sure you know your brother found you by now, and you want to escape far far away from him."

I felt Kai's shock when he heard that. This conversation was probably giving him a headache more than it did me. But I couldn't care about that right now.

"Yes, I do. How can you help?" I was not feeling any better about him. But an escape was what I needed and if I had to use him to get it, then hell with it.

"I can get you out right now." He did not seem like he was joking but I burst out laughing.

"No. Really, what can you do?" His expression made me realise he was indeed not kidding. "How?"

"You forget how easy it is to get into a mortal's head. How do you think I got all the way here and managed this family reunion?" His smirk had pride written all over it and I wanted to claw it away. He didn't get to feel proud after what he'd done to me.

Aside from his smirk his eyes still looked at me the same way they always had, and I could see the fire of wrath and mischief burning bright. He had aged but nothing would change the melancholic aura he had to him.

"What's my guarantee? How do I know you'll stand by me against him?"

"Do not misunderstand my words, sweet Jude. I said I'll help you out of here, not stand against him." I scoffed at him again and he continued. "However, I can help you grow your magic and use it once again. That's the best shield you have against your brother. And I can provide you with a home that's not so..." he eyed the room and continued. "Dull."

I did not have much to think of. It was the best offer I was going to get, and I was not keen on another family reunion with my brother. "But my friends come with."

He nodded and shook my hand. Dad looked into my eyes when he told me he'd missed me. I gave him a smile.

I turned my attention to Kai and asked him to join me.

"If I don't who else is meant to handle your attitude." We both laughed and I grabbed his hand to pull him outside with me.

We explained the situation to Adam and Hazel and they looked to each other with alert and what I thought was fear.

"Guys it'll be okay. Dad can do this." It wasn't enough to convince them, but they got up nonetheless.

My heart beat a hundred miles an hour when we stepped into the common room and saw the massive amount of nurses and patients. But as one of them passed me with no regard to the group of patients that was trying to escape, my heart calmed down just a bit.

We walked through the garden and the air smelled different. The colours were brighter. Even the rays of the sun hit my skin differently; I felt free.

My dad compelled the guard into opening the gate for us and I squeezed Kai's hand just a bit tighter as I took a step out the gate and into the car. 

I kept forgetting to publish this one for three days in a row...

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Tell me what you think in the comments and vote and share please.


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