Chapter Three: Alpha Centauri Is The Most Luminous Star

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Jude p.o.v:

"Are we there yet?" I asked daddy for the hundredth time today.

"Not yet princess, wait a little longer."

"But dadddd, I wanna knowww." My pigtails got in my eyes when I jumped around the seat to see through the window, it hurt so I stopped.

"Be patient, we'll get there in a few."

I decided to listen to dad before he got upset with me, so I crossed my hands and forced myself to stop talking.

It felt like forever when I spoke again, even the song on the radio had changed.

"Are we there yet?" Dad gave me what he called a time-out stare. "It's my birthday, you say people should always be happy on their birthdays."

"That is true, and it's why I'm taking you here. And don't think I forgot my little girl is turning 5." He played with my hair and gave me a dad smile. Dad smiles were as pretty as glittery fairy magic.

The song on the radio changed three times before dad finally stopped the car and gave me permission to explore.

"Let's play like kitty and the mouse... One, two, THREE." I ran into the woods and dad pretended to be a monster running after me.

We passed spaces of green, the sun made me feel warm and the birds were singing happy songs. It was like a fairy was with us. Maybe it was her birthday too.

I saw an entrance and I called dad to come check it out.

"Well princess, that's actually what I brought you here for. Go in."

I walked inside and was surprised to see it was even prettier than the outside. The walls were black in colour but they were almost glowing. I thought this could've been the fairy's home.

Dad took me through turns in the cave and we reached a large space with one big opening that brought the warm light in. Everything about this fairy's home felt like eating ice-cream for breakfast while watching Peppa Pig. I loved it.

"You know Judy, I recently learned about this place. I wish I had earlier but I'm glad I found it in time to show you it on your special day. Pretty isn't it?"

I nodded my head and walked around the place while dad kept talking.

"Though, beauty is not the only thing this place provides." He looked around the place then continued. "I was recently informed of what this place holds."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you when you're older kiddo. For now enjoy the beauty."

And I did, I ran around for what felt like hours, I touched every wall and felt every curve in the rocks then lied on the floor of the cave.

The light seemed to become brighter and brighter, it almost sounded like the fairy was calling my name.

But it was the ugly nurse's face that I saw when my eyes opened.

I tried to move around, to perhaps somehow escape back in time into the memory, to the time were things were easy, but the restraints around my wrists and ankles proved moving to be difficult.

"Oh no, don't be scared and don't move too much, it'll make it hurt." As sinister as the words sounded, the voice was warm and caring and as he approached I could see a calming smile on his beautiful face.

"Oh, sorry where are my manners. My name is Kai and I've been assigned to be your bodyguard." He chuckled lightly at his own joke and I did too.

I smiled sweetly at him then introduced myself. "I'm Jude Hampton, though I'm sure you already knew that, cause nurses, uh I mean bodyguards, always do."

His brows furrowed as he looked all around me. "I don't see why everyone was so scared for me for. You seem so lovely I'm starting to think they were scared I'd swoon too hard." He laughed and so did I.

Maybe this place had just gotten a bit better.

"I don't think you need these after all." He removed the restraints from my limbs and I'd never been so thankful.

Kai spent the rest of the day taking care of me, not because of our mutual love at first sight, but simply because it was his job.

He talked to me and tried to tell me some things about himself to, and I quote, 'form an emotional bond that will help you recover easier'.

I personally tried not to laugh too hard.

Too many puns and laughs later, and after the sun went down, it was time for me to sleep. He gave me my night pills and tucked me in.

Just when I expected him to let me sleep in peace and give himself a break, he stood over the bed and smiled at me.

"I believe in you. And I can see that you can get better, so hang on Jude Hampton. I want to see you leave this place." He turned around and left out the door.

"I hate you." I couldn't help but smile when I whispered that to myself though.

"Heard that." I heard him yelling in a voice that was probably too loud and too cheerful for someone in a mental institute at a late hour in the night.

It was possibly the first night I'd fallen asleep with such a wide smile. 

I really hope you guys like this chapter. I almost forgot to publish this one two days in a row..

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