Chapter Five: The Storm Is Preceded By Silence.

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Jude p.o.v:

My dreams were cut short by no other than Kai. He helped me get ready, handed me my medication, then went to check my assigned chore.

My excitement did not slip him when he informed me that it was gardening.

We walked out and I smelled the flowers before we'd even approached them. The breeze was soft against my skin and I immediately remembered why this has been my favourite chore.

Kai handed me a plastic shovel and I began to dig holes to plant the roses.

The way the grains of dirt fell through my fingers and the sound of the rustling leaves ignited a feeling like no other in me. It was not only the rose that I wanted to leave here to grow and nourish.

I finished planting some roses and went on to raking the leaves by break time.

Kai headed inside and I decided to walk around some more. I took in the beauty that surrounded me; the vivid blue sky with flocks of birds flying across it, like an artist dabbling with paint. The smell of fresh grass and nature that rejuvenated me, and the warm rays of the sun that simply assured me it was going to be okay. It always surprised me how much beauty lied in this place.

I noticed a glimpse of curly brown hair hidden behind the pillar and strode towards it, knowing exactly who it was.

"Heyy, Adam! Hazel!" My smile naturally came up around them.

"Hello, Judeth." Adam chuckled at his attempt to butcher my name while Hazel simply nodded my way as a greeting.

"How're the love birds today?" Adam's eyes rolled so far I could swear he glimpsed the void in his head.

"We're fine, thanks" Her voice was barely audible when she said it and I feared that I'd made them uncomfortable.

"I heard you got a new nurse, they good?"

When I first got here a lot of things were surprising to me; I was finally safe, cafeteria food could actually taste good, mental institutes were not just crazy lunatics, they were a whole community with deep and heartfelt relationships.

And I still found things that surprised me, like getting a good nurse for once.

Adam, Hazel and I chatted for a few more minutes till break time ended and I waved them goodbye, eager to work with Kai again.

"So, how was break?" I asked Kai as soon as we met up again.

"It was fine I guess, food and gossip are always good things." We both chuckled. "Are you done with the leaves and roses?" He continued.

"Yupp," I skip-walked to the roses and showed him where I had placed all three. " I put them in a triangle cause I couldn't find any other shape that had three sides. Oh and over there," I pointed to the space under the trees. "I raked the leaves."

"Good job. Since you're already done and there's some time left, I have a surprise for you. Come on follow me." He didn't wait for me to question him, he simply began walking towards the trees and I followed.

He took my hand and led me between the trees. "You ever been on an exploration project?" I assumed he figured I was confused by the way my brows furrowed so he went on. "Well, the rules are simple. You go anywhere, do whatever you want and the only rule is you have to find something to keep as a souvenir, and you leave something there for the next person."

"Kai that sounds cool and all, but I don't think anyone here is gonna go on an 'exploration project'. Maybe it's just me, but it's not exactly a tourist attraction sight."

He laughed at my sarcasm then dragged me by the hand to keep going. "Well, you'll never know. We'll leave it just in case."

The small space took around four minutes to cover, with Kai's occasional commentary and puns.

"Alright, I choose to take.." he looked around us for anything to claim his then picked up a brown leaf off the floor. "This. I see the way you're looking so put that brow back down cause yes, I'm sure. It's thoughtful. Your turn."

I looked around and picked up a very small acorn that had been lying under a tree. "I choose this."

"Good choice, that was on popular demand. The squirrel king himself held it." I tried to stop myself, but it didn't work and I ended up laughing anyway.

"Do you have anything to leave behind?"

"I always come prepared." He dug through his pocket and pulled out a pen and a coffee-stained napkin.

"Yes, very prepared."

We scribbled our names onto the napkin, using the tree trunk as a table, then buried the napkin under the dirt.

Kai checked his watch and told me it was time to head back.

"What do you guys even gossip about in the nurse's office?" I asked as we took our time walking through the trees.

"Mostly stuff about the institute, like new donations or if there's any upcoming event. And of course the drama between the nurses like who took the other's coffee."

"Oh, must be fun."

"Yeah, it gives hope for the place. I'm not meant to tell you this but scouts trust each other."

"Kai we're not-"

"Shushh," He put his finger on my mouth and I was tempted to bite him. "We are. Apparently this super loaded dude is gonna come check this place, building, structure, patients, everything. And he's gonna give money to fix everything and renovate."

"Omg, that's amazing news. Do you know who he is or what company it is?"

"Yeah.. they said something about him owning an alcohol company, he's probably doing this for fame and a good image. His name is Nathan, Nathaniel.. I don't know it's something like that."

I stopped in my tracks though we were still a minute away from the building.

My heart beat a thousand miles an hour and it suddenly felt like the trees, the ground, the building and everything around me had eyes looking over me.

I asked what his name was again, though I was sure I'd heard him right.

He repeated my brother's name.

I sprinted to my room in fear of falling to the floor in case I stayed, and because it might've been the only place the eyes didn't follow. The only place I didn't feel the cold shiver that reminded me of him.

But even on my bed, I only thought of Nathaniel. He'd he found me and this time was going to be the last he had to look.

Unless I found a way out.

Humans of this earth, hello.

Sorry I'm sorta weird. Anyway hope you liked this one. Tell me your thoughts in the comments, vote and share please.

Till next time..


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