Chapter Four: Time For A Bit Of Improvisation.

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Nathan p.o.v:

Sometimes patience was the thing that made me lose it most.

Those times were quite often.

I hated the idea of sitting around and waiting for whatever forces in the world to turn their attention to me.

If I wanted something, I was gonna force their attention on me.

So if a locator spell, record checks and a lengthy search for my sister didn't help in all of six whole years, I had had enough of waiting around and playing easy.

I didn't have to chase her before, I would let her go wherever she wanted and left her just long enough to relax and forget who she was and what she'd done for a second, then I went after her.

But this time was different, my magic wouldn't locate her no matter how many spells I tried, so the search was gonna turn mundane, though not necessarily humane.

I was running out of patience.

I left my apartment and headed straight to the last place I saw her at. I checked every corner and turned again looking for any place she could have hid in.

There were none; No homes, no shops, no parks, nothing. It was a set of alleyways that led to different streets.

I tried to reignite the connection between our magic, but I felt nothing. Her magic must've been too weak, which meant even if she'd used it to get away, she couldn't have gone that far.

My legs began to cramp as I walked further down the street and I swore if I was going to kill her before this, I was now gonna make it as slow and painful as possible.

Images of what I would've done to her filled my mind as I looked further, I stopped when I finally found a shop in sight. It was the same one I'd found her in earlier.

The delicious smell of freshly baked sweets filled the small bakery and I had to stop for a second to admire the homely feeling this place had.

Wooden blue frames formed the stand where the products were displayed, a big fridge of ice cream was placed next to it, and an elderly lady stood at the counter of the small shop.

I would've called it beautiful, but nothing about it was broken.

He popped in my head again and I had to physically restrain myself from breaking something.

Jude was going to feel the fires of hell and think they were heaven compared to what I'd do.

"Hello, Ms."

She gave the warmest smile I'd ever seen and it almost made me feel guilty. "Oh! What a beautiful young lad! How may I help you?"

I took a step closer, looked deeply into her hazel eyes that reminded me of his, and muttered the spell that let me view her memories, sincerely hoping she was going to have a good day when I was done.

Years of memories and pictures of grandchildren, family and sorrow flew by in flashes as I tried to find the exact day I'd found her the first time. She must've said something about where she was heading, or if she had any place to hide at, there must've been some clues.

The nostalgia of the memories playing at once in her head mixed with the excruciating pain of someone reading your mind made the old lady tear up just when the image of Jude surfaced. Her fake red hair and her fake look and all the fake things about her all showed in the way she asked for her donut, the way she walked, and the way she acted.

The lady's memories were blurry and unfocused, her pain made it even more difficult to gather any details and an image of me entering the shop and Jude running showed up right before the woman pushed me off with wet cheeks, teary eyes and shaky hands.

My patience was running thin and both my anger and magic were itching to be let out.

I yanked the woman's head back into my hands and her hair got caught between my fingers when she tried to shake and twist away from me.

The lady attempted to escape this random person that was bringing her pain, the person that forced her to do things just because he wanted to. The person that only saw what he needed to forget his own desire for revenge. The person that got into your head and made you think he was worth destroying your family. The person that caused death.

The woman stopped flailing in my hands and it brought me back to the present, I was in the bakery.

The realisation soon hit and I looked around me to find anything, anyone. I couldn't have done it. I did not hurt her.

I didn't hurt her. She was not lying like that cause of me. I felt the cold wall against my sides and it made me realise I was all the way at the corner.

The taste of blood in my mouth was what drew my attention to the fact that I was screaming but couldn't seem to stop.

I looked around me and found the whole place flipped upside down, the tables, the pretty wooden frame, yet the old lady remained intact on the ice cream freezer.

None of this was my fault. I didn't cause her death. Not another.

Not another. I repeated as I ran out the bakery and down the street away from the nice old lady, the delicious smell of the pastries, and from the mirage of him falling again.

I ran and ran, disregarding people's glances and conversations, not caring if my suit was wrinkled or if I looked dishevelled. 

Until I heard her name and froze in my tracks.

I looked around me to locate the source of the words and found two people dressed in what seemed to be nurse's attire, they rounded the corner that led to the city's mental facility while her name bounced around the conversation.

Jude Hampton.

I probably shouldn't be this way but I love Nathan. *sighs*

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this one. Please vote, share and comment so I know what you thought of the chapter.


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