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Annabelle's P.O.V

I woke up to a firm grip on my waist, I tried to move away but he pulled me back and kissed me passionately. After what happened yesterday I was sure we were totally back together, I kissed him back wildly while an evil smile spread across his lips. I knew what he was thinking.
"Oh no you won't, I haven't even taken my bath or brushed my teeth"
"I'll still eat you out no matter what and besides your mouth tastes like cranberry"
"OMG Jerry you're so dirty and besides I have to leave for work"
"Work? I'm your boss and I want you to stay in bed with me"
"Eww no. Go home and prepare for work"
"No way I'm not touching that booty before leaving here"
"What?!". I couldn't help but laugh because he was gonna cry, I didn't plan on giving him any
"Oops looks like someone's becoming bossy and stingy now, I'll go home but you better be early for our dinner tonight. At my house, I'll pick you up by 7"
"Okay that's a deal". He stood from the bed and pecked me on my cheeks before approaching the door.
"Anna, don't be late again"
"Pfff I promise okay?". I rolled my eyes before blowing him a kiss, he shut the door immediately. So crafty of him to not accept my air kisses

I stood behind my curtains watching him enter his car hurriedly while smiling like a cute baby. I was happy I had him back and this time I was gonna work for it to last no matter what happens. I got into my shower and got dressed up immediately, Jeremy was supposed to drop me off at work because he loves me and I could hear his loud horn disrupting my neighborhood. My neighbors hated him because of this and even tried to file a noise complaint but I'm too sweet to them so they let go.
"Oh c'mon, you'd go to jail if you keep this up" I shouted down at him from my window while hurriedly packing up my work stuff.
"Yeah it should be you because I said 9am but it's fucking 10am"
I finally got downstairs to where he parked his car and gave him the death glare.
"I pray my neighbors crucify you today"
"Not my fault you were up all night collecting dick". He twitched his lips before revising off my lawn.
"God bless you Jeremy, you're going to hell"
"Aymen pumpkin, Amen"
We both laughed uncontrollably because I knew what he meant. He keeps saying Aymen after watching the drive-in theater movie we saw last week and that was comedy gold.

I finally arrived at work and everyone was so busy trying to put things in order. I got to my office to gather up Jerry's files before leaving for the meeting we both had but it wasn't there. It was in Jerry's office, I remember leaving it with him after taking a day off and now that I remember, I'm done with my morning work for today. Arghhh I should've gotten breakfast. I thought out loud
"We have a meeting right now and you're thinking of breakfast? You never changed". Jerry stood behind me smiling mischievously. I couldn't help but notice his beautiful abs fighting for air through his tight long sleeves and his pink soft lips glowing into the sun. This is the part where I drag him off to my restroom and we make out aggressively and quietly fuck our brains out but the office was more than full today and I didn't want special attention drawn to me.
"Yeah I know what you're thinking and it's not happening because you didn't let me hit it this morning"
"Wh-a-t are yo-u talking ab-ou-t" I stammered trying to hide the fact that I wanted to eat him like a full course meal right now.
"Get ready for my first and last meeting because we have some place to be"
"Yes your lordship". He giggled and winked at me before leaving my office to his.
I got my things together and left for the parking lot, he wasn't in his office so I suspected that he was there already. He was standing at the entrance of the door with no driver in sight, it got me very confused.
"Did you send all your drivers packing?"
"No I did not. It's just us today"
"There's no way that's happening"
"Why, it would be fun yunno"
"I'll quickly call the driver okay". I smiled sarcastically before leaving to call the driver. He came immediately and drove us to the place where the meeting was being held.
"Okay so this meeting is the most important meeting of the year, make sure you make the most donations to the less privilege and children because that way many people would invest into your company and you'll have more shares to sponsor the new artists coming soon"
"Wow you know more than your boss now huh?"
"Yeah thank you". I smiled
"That was not a compliment but you choose to make me suffer your pain, besides why haven't you thought about joining the new artists coming soon, you've always wanted to become an actress"
"That story is for another day but right now we have to focus on doing well in this meeting."
"Whatever you say Miss Annabelle". I rolled my eyes and scuffed at his statement, what an ass.

The meeting had already started when we got there so we settled down immediately to catch up on what we missed. It was swift and sexy the way Jerry was able to convince 6 sponsors to invest in our company. While other company directors were talking, I tried to listen closely because it started getting boring. I felt a hand go up my skirt and when I turned it was Jerry, he mounted his pen on his lower lip with a pout like he was so interested in the speech the other directors were giving. I slapped his hand off but he placed them on my thighs again and went straight up to my panties and flicked my clit with his middle finger. I bit my lips so hard that it started to get sore. I proceeded to slap off his hands again but he used his hands to shift my underwear and inserted two fingers, I couldn't stop him because I didn't want him to stop. I could feel his fingers thrust slowly and slowly while my thighs tightened on his arm. I haven't felt like this in so long and it was too hot for me, I couldn't handle it.
"Miss Annabelle, Is anything the matter? You've gotten so red all of a sudden" Jerry asked loudly trying to torture me the more. I tried to speak up but his fingers were still thrusting in and out and my walls were building up so much pressure already.
"Yes uh-mm I'm fine" I tried so hard to not stammer but tears just rolled down my cheeks.
"Excuse me everyone, I'll like to talk to my secretary in private". They were all concerned about my sudden change of emotions, Jerry and I stood up as he lead me out of the hall. The building was very empty because everyone was at the meeting, He dragged me in an unknown office and slammed the door. Lifting me up from my feet, he made me sit on the table and pulled down my underwear. He pulled my skirt up and sucked on me so hard that I couldn't catch my breath.
"Since you want to be naughty and sneaky I'll show you how much it turns me on"
With that last statement he flicked his tongue everywhere in between my legs, I was pressed on a table trying so hard not to moan or scream because what he was doing to me was unbearable.
"Jerry we're gonna get caught"
"Shhhh untill I make you cum, we ain't going nowhere". He kissed my thighs and then my lips, I held the table so tight as his lips crashed down on my clit again. He was so gentle but rough and it made me shiver, he looked up at me trying to hold in my moan and smiled. I felt two fingers thrust into my soul and a wet slippery tongue licking me up in a very speedy motion. The pleasure kept building up so bad that I crossed my legs on his head and moaned out loud like I was being devoured, he sucked on more faster until he heard me cry for mercy. He stood up, licked me up and kissed my lips. I was so shook that I couldn't move.
"I'm keeping this, let's go". He puts my panties in his pocket and dragged me off while I tried to arrange my hair and my skirt.

When we got back to the meeting, everyone was already concluding so I packed our files and waited for him in the car while he concluded with his new sponsors. Shock still ran through my spine because I still shivered from everything that just happened, he finally got into the car with me and the drivers drove us off to the office.
"You're still red on your cheeks"
"I have nothing to say to you" I was smiling because I was shy and at the same time I was trying to push off the conversation because the driver might hear us.
"Off course you don't, you were quiet all through"
"At least I'm not the one with pussy cum in his mouth, how do you feel talking to people with an unworthy mouth huh?"
"I could stop this car and send the driver home and you'd pay for it right now".
"Yeah you wish". I crossed my arms together while trying to hide my smile. I nodded because I knew he could do it but I was still recovering from what happened 5 minutes ago.

Authors note❤️
I really hope y'all staying safe during this whole Corona virus and quarantine stuffs. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time, my anxiety and OCD keeps shouting in my head but I'm okay and I'm back for y'all. I'll be done in a few chapters and my second story would get posted up too. I love y'all so much and thank you for supporting me no matter what. OG's🤞🏾❤️

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