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Jerry's P.O.V

Walking into the company, everyone looked so busy and tensed. I sipped my coffee and entered my office. I opened my Windows and sat on my chair. I sipped my coffee a little before opening my drawer. I brought out my song journal and a pen. My door opened and my secretary entered.

"Good morning Mr Jerry, the Luscious entertainment are in the hall"
"Okay, take this journal with you and my earplugs, I'm coming"
"Okay sir" she collect everything and exited through the door. I sat in my chair, thinking of a way I could use the song I've written for the theme song and also sell it to luscious entertainment. After 5minutes, I stood up, put a mint in my mouth and headed downstairs. I got the perfect idea. I got to the hall and it was packed already. Luscious entertainment and other officials were sited already.
"I'll make this contract a short one because I'm sure everyone here has other appointments, well I've decided that the students would use the song for the contract for the theme song as an example and also a showcase for both companies then we would be able to sell it to Luscious entertainment, what's your opinion about that?"
"Well Mr Jerry, we could take the contract but you have to make an agreement with us that the song is only gonna be used by the students and it won't be publicized"
"Consider it done. My secretary would make a new contract form and you'd sign. After that you'd be given the song but you can debut it only after we've used it for the theme"
"That's no problem Mr Jerry, I guess we have an agreement then". We both stood up and shook hands as everyone clapped. I left the hall immediately. I had another appointment by 10:30 and it was 9;45 already.

I didn't know which got me pissed, the fact that I had a lot of work today or the fact that my head was aching right now. I got to the 13th floor and entered the second hall. I had to make sure the students were ready for theme and it was 2 days from now. They were all practising and stopped when I walked in.

"Alright I wanna see what you got so far, and please the song for the theme should not be leaked out of the studio. Its for business purpose at this point and anyone who fails to listen would be kicked out, let's start".

The students practiced and corrected their mistakes while I supervised them. They practiced so hard and I was also there to encourage them more. I had a date with Anna but I couldn't make it today, it was better I called her so she'd be aware.
"Hey Anna, what's up"
"Hey Jerry, where are you its 5pm and I'm freezing already"
"Urmmm about that, I'm sorry I can't make it. Am not fine with work yet"
"Oh cmon, squeeze some time I'm already waiting"
"That's really not possible, I'm sorry. I'll call you later when I'm  done"
"Okay cool" she hung up with a sigh. I knew she was pissed but I had to finish my work first, it was very important. Grace walked in with coffee and some snacks, she was bossy but she also knew when someone was starving. We talked about everything and I guess we were cool now. I forgave her but I still don't see her as anything even though she wants me too.
She smiled and handed snacks to everyone while she walked towards me. I smiled .

"Hey I brought snacks, your working your ass off, eat something at least"
"Thank you very much, I'm actually starving" I took the snacks and coffee from her and started eating without hesitation. I was in that stage of hunger where your intestines start twirling like its practising some kind of ballet dance inside of you but you have to endure and pretend like everything's fine because you didn't want others to be weak too. We rested for sometime before starting the practice again. We had just two days to go and nobody wanted to loose either.

It was 10 pm and the studio was closing already. We dismissed practice for that day as everyone retired to their different homes. I got home very tired and I was sure my eyes would swell tomorrow morning from not getting enough sleep. I climbed my bed immediately after a quick shower. I tried calling Anna but she wasn't picking. I think she went to bed already. So I decided to text her.

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