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Annabelle's P.O.V

The office was in so much disorder even though it was still 10am. I couldn't think of what was happening and I really didn't want to see Jerry today because of what happened last night. I made a decision to avoid him till I couldn't remember whatever he did last night because I couldn't let my personal life get in the way of my work. Just as I was about to shut my office door, I sighted him from afar talking to a lady. I couldn't help but stare at the way she tried so hard to flirt with him, she kept trying to sway her hair backwards while laughing at something I was sure wasn't even funny. My fist tightened and my grip on the door handle became so firm, I tried to look away and ignore them but his eyes caught mine immediately and he smiled. He knew whatever was happening irritated me so much, he smiled again. He was flirting back to annoy me. Pff like I care...!!
I shut my door furiously after smiling back at him like I didn't care about the situation I saw him in, how could he even smile back at her? He once said I was the reason he smiled but right now little miss red hair made him smile too huh?
I walked to my table to make arrangements for his meetings, I didn't want to let his mischievous character affect my work, I calmed my inner soul with that statement even though I knew I could kill that red haired bitch with my pinky finger. I took out the files and arranged them in sequence. Standing up from my chair, I tried to peep at the window to check if he was still flirting with red haired but they weren't in sight anymore. My door flung open rudely which almost gave me heart attack, Jerry stood in front of the door looking at me still crazily checking outside the window.
"What appointments do I have this morning?" He asked with a serious look on his face, he wasn't smiling anymore
"I was about to bring your files to your office sir"
"When?? It's almost 11am Miss Annabelle, please take the files with you. I have a meeting to attend which you're expected to come for. We are meeting the Korean constructors today." With that statement he left my office, I stood by the window still in shock. He seemed pissed or not in the mood and he never actually called me miss Annabelle since I worked for him. I followed him with the files in my hand because I didn't want to get on his nerves. So we're forgetting what happened last night then, he didn't speak of it or act like anything happened, I walked behind him trying to catch on with the fast footsteps he took. His driver stood outside the parking lot with the car doors already opened, I sat beside him at the back seat. He stretched his hands forward and I handed the files to him, he flipped through all of them and gave them back to me. The ride was dead silent and he faced the other side of the window, he acted like I was non-existent or we didn't know each other before now. I was comfortable because he wasn't trying to talk to me or convince me to come back to him but that also made me uncomfortable too. Why wasn't he pestering or annoying me?.
"Sir we have arrived at our destination". The driver spoke up breaking the unbearable silence, he opened the door and hopped out of the car leaving a dumbfounded and confused me trying to open the doors from where I was seated.
"Miss Annabelle are you coming or not?"
"I'm sorry sir the door was stuck" I opened the door finally and followed him into the construction site. The constructors quickly came to us immediately we stepped inside the site.
"Good morning sir, the dealers are right this way"
"Good morning. Nice to meet you". They both shook hands before we ventured into the big hall, it was a big company and Jerry was planning on buying it from the Korean constructors.
"Mr Jeremy nice to meet you". A middle aged man with blonde hair came to our table with a huge smile on his face. You could tell he was Korean because of yunno, his looks.
I sat beside Jerry while he talked about the deal to the constructors and dealers. I was so lost thinking about the fact that Jerry has been acting so weird since this morning. He didn't even glance at me or smile at me, he was so serious and nonchalant about my existence. It felt like I was just a secretary to him and nothing else, still lost in my thoughts I didn't hear him call for me. I saw a hand wave across my face and immediately I realized that my attention was needed.
"Miss Annabelle you have to be here with us because this deal is important to the company, you can't zone out like that".
"I'm so sorry sir, it won't happen again"
I stretched out my hands to hand over the files and stamps to the Korean constructors. I could tell Jerry was angry but not because I couldn't pay attention. He was indeed angry at me but I couldn't figure out the reason, it couldn't be because I refused to kiss him back and ran away like a naive person. Right?

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