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Jerry's P.O.V

Waking up to her close to me was always the best feeling ever, we were naked as always. Her body cuddled mine tightly, I knew she loved the cold but I guess it was too much for her, I tried to stand up but she held me back down even more tightly. She turned to look at me and gave me that gracious smile, I've seen her everyday for 7months but I couldn't get enough of her. I wanted to see her everyday and every hour of my life, anytime I saw her without clothes felt like I just saw her for the first time. She had a huge mark at the top of my heart and I knew she loved me as well. I stood up slowly when I saw she was sleeping again, tiptoed out of the room wearing my pyjamas. She was special so she needed to be treated specially because she went through a lot as a kid but now am here for her and I'll make sure she's babied every time. She's my baby after all.
The maids were so busy this morning because of the guest we were having later on. I entered the kitchen to make some breakfast, I was so hungry and Anna would be too. The maids rushed to me immediately I took out a cup.
"Sir don't worry we would help you with that"
"No don't worry, I want to make this by myself, go back to work now"
"Yes sir"
They left me looking unsure, I know how strict my mum was and I was sure she'd scale them if she saw me doing kitchen work so I decided to be fast. I fried two bacons and two eggs, Anna loved Nuttella but I preferred Strawberry jam so I just put both in the tray with our tea. I carefully laid it on the food cart and carried it upstairs. I felt so happy right now like I achieved something big. I opened the door slowly and she was still asleep, yeah I know she sleeps a lot. I dropped the cart at the side of the bed quietly.
"Anna wake up"
"What is it now"
"I have Nuttella with me"
She jumped out of bed immediately and looked at me
"You better be serious right now"
I dragged the cart from the side of the bed to her view, she opened her mouth widely, I didn't know if she was yawning or acting surprised. I laughed a little, this girl was driving me crazy.
"Breakfast for the sleepy princess"
"Awww babe you didn't have too"
"Okay then I'll take it back to the kitchen"
"If you dare I'll rip your ass off" we both laughed while I served the breakfast to her. She tasted the toast and looked at me smiling
"Did you make this all by yourself?"
"Yeah is it bad"
"No its awesome, I love crunchy toast, you made me breakfast and I was sleeping like a lazy ass"
"Cmon a princess isn't lazy"
"The princess needs her frog to feed her"
"At your service ma'am" she smiled while we fed each other. Yes this was the moment, moment of bliss between two lovers, I knew how I was feeling right now and I never wanted to stop being happy.
"Hey froggy, you should try Nuttella sometime, just saying"
"Mnn, I really don't like chocolate you know besides strawberry is a blast"
"Your talking like a girl right now, no guy is in love with strawberries your just weird"
I took the strawberry jam in my mouth and rubbed it all over my lip.
"Baby you want some kiss, smooch smooch"
"Eww Jerry let me go" she ran across the room while I chased her
"Kiss one and get one free"
"Jerry I don't like strawberries, stop it"
"Nope, cmon just a kiss"
She ran over to the food cart and put some Nuttella on her lip and faced me with an evil smile, I tried to run away but she grabbed me before I could.
"Cmon baby just one smooch"
"Babe please stop I'll die"
"Let's die together"
"Babe don't move, there's a spider on your hair"
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!, get it off" immediately she left my arm trying to remove the invisible spider from her hair, I ran to the other side of the room laughing my lungs out and holding my stomach. She looked at me, realizing that I fooled her, she smiled
"Your so dead right now, I'll turn u to a chocolate spider"
I kept on laughing while she tickled me even more. I couldn't stand anymore, I fell to the floor while she sat on me still tickling me.
"Babe stop you'd kill me" I was tearing already, I managed to hold her, I carried her and threw her over my shoulders. We kept laughing as I flung her on the bed. I laid beside her weak, trying to catch my breath. Every where was quiet now, only our breathing filled the room with little giggles. I turned to look at her, her eyes were on me already. I looked at her brown eyes then her well defined nose, her plump lips were just too beautiful I mean every thing about her was beautiful, she touched my jaw and smiled. I kept looking at her trying to figure out how blessed I was.
"Your beautiful inside and out, I want you to know that because I'm the luckiest person on earth right now. Your beside me and its not a dream, you've filled my nights with lights and I can't imagine a day without you. I love you so much Anna"
"I love you too" she brought her lips closed and kissed me, passionately and heart warming. She hardly expresses her feelings but her kisses told me everything, told me how she loved me and wanted me too. I know she loved me just through her eyes alone. I felt something leave my eyes slowly, streaming down my face. I opened my eyes slowly and she was wiping away tears from my jaw. I love her so much it hurts. I didn't know when I spaced out but I would die if she ever let me go.
"Are you crying right now" she whispered softly and seductively in my ears.
"No I'm not, I cry when someone tickle me so hard"
"I hear ya"
"I'm serious"
"I know"
"Your being sarcastic right?"
"You always figure that out"
"Pffff, cmon we have to go on your tour today"
"Oh yeah, I really need to go around the house"
"As you wish mademoiselle"
She tipped my nose and entered the bathroom, I watched her as she cat walked and turned to look at me. She was being funny right now but it was turning me on big time. I looked at my boner and tried putting it back in place. I entered the sink and then the bathroom to brush my teeth. My dick just kept rising watching her take her bath like that.
"You know you shouldn't do those slow motion seductive movement because its very silly, doesn't suit you at all"
"Yeah but your dick seems to want some of this"
"No it doesn't"
"Nhmmm the risen kingdom"
I laughed leaving the bathroom, I needed to get cloths out for her and take the food cart out of the room. Picking cloths out for her was something I enjoyed doing, it made her happy and made me happy too. I brought out our matching hoodies and shorts for us both, it was a sunny day and she looked so cute in bright cloths.

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