Married Man

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3rd person pov

After Kong's proposal, it was incredibly challenging for the couple to keep their hands off each other. Things got heated, one thing led to another, and before they knew it, Arthit, who was one month pregnant, had resulted in their marriage just three months after the proposal, much to everyone's surprise. While their families didn't oppose the idea of the child being born before their marriage, it was Arthit who wanted to be married so they wouldn't have to worry about wedding preparations after the child's birth. He wanted to dedicate all his precious time to their child and not be concerned about the wedding. So, here they were, happily married just one month after learning about Arthit's pregnancy.

"You don't care about me anymore? Oh, you don't love me?" Of course, they weren't happy 24/7. There were times when the couple had to part ways every morning because Kong still needed to manage his company and wanted to wrap up as much work as possible before their child's arrival. However, that didn't mean a husband couldn't whine about spending less time with his pregnant spouse.

"Kong, stop whining like a child. I thought only pregnant people had mood swings," Arthit complained but gently pushed his husband out of the house.

"But I'm also having a child. Why can't I have mood swings?" Kong protested, using one arm to block the door from closing.

"Seriously!!! Well, FYI, I'm the one carrying this little one, so technically, you can't pull that card out. Now, shoo, I'm starving for Pad Thai and my pink milk. Don't waste my time," Arthit retorted, and Kong reluctantly sighed and pecked Arthit's forehead before finally heading off to work.

"Okay, don't overexert yourself. Ask Tul to make it for you. He's at home today. And please refrain from sitting at your computer. Take some rest after eating. I'll be back before you wake up from your midday nap. And call me immediately if anything happens," Kong rambled on, but Arthit cut him off.

"Kong, stop it. I know what to do when I need something or when there's an emergency. Stop stressing yourself. I love you, and our little bean loves you too. Now, get going already," Arthit insisted.

Arthit was adamant to go to office after confirming his pregnancy as he didn't want to spend his time at home doing nothing. But his morning sickness was terrible so now he does his work at home. But kong was not having it either. But Arthit has ways to make his husband accept every demand.

"Hey morning, P Kong off to office?" Tul asked as he walked out of the kitchen with coffee mug in his hand. He sat in the drawing room as Arthit made his way ove there as well.

"Yup, he's being impossible. It looks like he's the pregnant one, not me. Seriously, if it weren't for the company, he'd be here all the time," Arthit complained.

"These Suthilaks are impossible, I can understand. P. Max went overboard because I told him he wasn't spending enough time with me due to business meetings. So he proposed to his father that he would either join the office or quit. I mean, what the hell! They've invested their blood and money in it, and he just casually said that to his father. His parents will never forgive me for this. So we came to an agreement that he'll go for those high-risk, high-investment outdoor meetings. That's why he's gone for another weeklong meeting. But he's spent the last three months with me here, so I'm content with this," Tul rambled on and chuckled in embarrassment when Arthit smiled at him.

"P. Max is indeed lucky to have you, Tul. I think we all are. You've spent your prime time taking care of all of us. You have every right to demand his attention. It's a two-way deal. Both partners have to put in their efforts to keep their relationship strong. You're doing your part; he has to do his," Arthit praised Tul, who blushed slightly, uncomfortable with such compliments.

"Ummm, I... I should prepare your breakfast. What would you like to eat? Do you have any cravings?" Tul asked, changing the subject.

Arthit laughed at Tul's hesitation. "Okay, can you please make me some Pad Thai and pink milk... Ummm, actually, can I have a chocolate shake? And fried eggs with some pickles. Do we have peanut butter?" Arthit rattled off his breakfast order, making Tul's eyes widen. He decided to keep his mouth shut since Arthit's emotions were making him so vulnerable that he cried over the smallest things. Just yesterday, he cried because he couldn't find the pink milk mix in the pantry. Kong had to calm him down, and Tul was completely bewildered because he thought he had done something to make Arthit cry. They had both been searching for it for half an hour, and he finally mentioned that they were out of it. Afterward, he was convinced that they needed to stock up on the pink milk mix.

"Yeah, of course, whatever you want. I'll just prepare it."

"Oh, thank you. You're the best," Arthit exclaimed, jumping off the sofa and giving Tul a tight hug before dashing to his room to take a shower. Tul shook his head, smiling at Arthit's antics. Sometimes, he felt like Arthit was much younger than his age with the way he acted.

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن