I am sorry

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Kongpob's pov

I was at the club, enjoying myself with my college friends. Wad was sitting next to me, and I was in good spirits. It was around 10 in the night, and I was considering heading home because I knew Arthit might be feeling lonely. I couldn't help but worry about him even when I was having fun.

Suddenly, Wad said, "Hey Kong, your roommate is calling me."

I was confused initially, but then I realized that Arthit had introduced himself to Wad as my roommate.

"Why is he calling you?" I wondered out loud. "Just answer it; maybe he has some work-related problem."

Wad answered the call, and his expression changed immediately. He seemed worried as he spoke into the phone, "Hey Arthit, what happened? Calm down."

My worry grew when I heard Wad's concerned tone. I grabbed the phone from him without a second thought.

""Arthit, what's wrong? What happened?"

I could hear his rapid breathing on the other end, and he spoke hurriedly, "Kong... Kongpob, please come soon. I can't handle this anymore. I can't hold it."

His voice was shaky and broken, and I instantly realized that he was having a panic attack. Something must have happened to trigger it.

" Arthit, please calm down. Just take a deep breath. I'll be there soon. Just keep talking. Hang in there."

The club was about 30 minutes away from home, and Wad was already aware of the situation. He offered to come with me, and I didn't object.

I hurried to my car and Wad sat on the driving seat. On the way I was so worried about Arthit. I didn't hang up the phone neither did Arthit.

I rushed to my car, and Wad took the driver's seat. As we drove, I kept talking to Arthit through the phone, trying to calm him down. I could sense his trembling and panic through his breathless voice. It took us 20 minutes to reach home, during which Arthit stopped talking. I was hyper-aware and anxious, hoping he was okay. When we finally arrived, I didn't care about anything else. I left Wad behind and went straight to the door. 

"Why it is so dark here." It was dark, and I wondered if there had been a power outage, which could have triggered Arthit's panic. On the top of that he was alone. Now I was blaming myself for leaving him alone.

I quickly unlocked the door and entered, calling out Arthit's name. There was no response. I turned on my phone's flashlight and headed towards the hall area, stumbling upon something on the floor. When I shone the light, I was horrified.

Arthit was lying on the floor, and I rushed to his side, gathering him in my arms. "Arthit, wake up. I'm here. Come on, Arthit, wake up." 

I attempted to lift Arthit, but he wasn't responding. I was getting frantic. Wad helped me move him to the bed, and I sat down beside him, holding his hand tightly. I felt guilty for leaving him alone. The panic attack must have been severe this time. I tried to get him up but all was in vain. I was extremely concerned. Why was he not getting up? Wad called a doctor, and I continued to hold Arthit's hand, silently pleading for him to wake up.

I sat near Arthit, on the bed and held his hand. His hands were cold. And by looking at him I felt so guilty that how can I do this to him. I should not have left him behind like this. Then suddenly I felt pressure on my hand.

"Arthit, are you feeling fine? Are you hurt somewhere?"

I stayed by Arthit's side, looking at him worriedly. His hand was cold in mine, and he looked so pale and weak. When the doctor arrived, he examined Arthit and asked if he had any pre-existing health conditions. I explained that Arthit had claustrophobia.

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)Where stories live. Discover now