New Boss

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Arthit's POV

Finally, I'm feeling better. It's been two days since I returned home from the hospital. Kongpob has been taking care of me, and I can't thank him enough for his support during this time. I feel guilty for putting him through all this trouble.

He hasn't even been to the office until today. But I insisted that he go back to work. I can't bear to see his work suffering because of me. So here I am, alone in the house. What should I do? Maybe some cleaning. I glance around the house and realize it's already spotless. Of course, Kongpob is a neat freak. He can't stand any mess for even a minute. It would be a disaster for him.

So, what should I do now? I ponder for a moment before an idea pops into my mind. I should call Wad. He might have some information about the office. I haven't been to work for the past five days, so I'm completely out of the loop. I pick up my phone and dial his number. He answers after the third ring.

"Hello, Wad." His voice perks up immediately.

"Hi, Arthit. How are you? I was so worried when Kongpob called me to let me know about your absence. Are you feeling better now?" I chuckle at his stream of words.

"Hold on, Wad. I'm fine now. I've been discharged already. I called to get an update on the office situation. I'm sure it's been chaotic. And who's managing my position now?"

"Well, yes, it's been quite busy here. There's a new girl who's taken over your responsibilities. From what I've heard, Mr. Tin mentioned that she's going to be in that role permanently. I'm not sure about the details, but you might want to talk to him and clarify things."

"Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks, Wad."

"Anytime, bud. Just take care of yourself. I'll come to visit you soon."

"You better, Wad. It's been ages since we saw each other."

"Definitely, I'll make a plan to visit you soon."

"Alright, Wad. I'll talk to you later. Thanks, and bye."

"Yeah, bye, Arthit."

I feel a mixture of confusion and intrigue. Mr. Tin apparently appointed a new assistant without any prior notice. It's strange, especially since I've been absent for only five days due to my health condition. Kongpob informed me that he had already informed the higher-ups about my situation, and they had approved my leave. But this unexpected change in the office hierarchy leaves me puzzled. I need answers from Mr. Tin, and if his explanation isn't satisfactory, I'm ready to challenge this decision.

Ugh, this is frustrating. I try to collect my thoughts and dial Mr. Tin's number. He doesn't answer immediately, which infuriates me. But I'm not one to give up easily, so I call again. After two rings, he picks up the call.

"Sawasdee khrap, sir."

"Sawasdee, Arthit. How are you feeling now?"

"I'm better, but not quite. Sir, I heard that the company hired someone to replace me and transferred me without any formal notice or announcement. This doesn't align with the company's procedures. How can this happen? I haven't done anything wrong, and I don't deserve this. You can't—" I find myself rambling on, but he cuts me off.

"Oh, Arthit, can you let me explain? We haven't terminated your employment, and we have no intention of doing so. We've just decided to transfer you to another branch."

"Sorry, did I hear 'transfer'? I didn't receive any transfer notice. What's going on? I can't make any sense of this."

"Listen, Arthit, don't get worked up. It's just a matter of time. We'll be sending you the notice soon. This decision was made yesterday by our new CEO, and you're going to be transferred to the head office."

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें